Masters Degree Dissertations

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    Improvising resources to enhance practical training in metal machining and fitting section at jinja vocational training institute
    (Kyambogo university (unpublished work), 2017-12) Owor, Peter
    This action research aimed at improvising resources to enhance practical training in Metal Machining and Fitting (MMF) section at Jinja Vocational Training Institute (JVTI). To achieve the aim, various research questions were formulated which centered on factors affecting practical training at Jinja Vocational Training Institute ( JVTI ), and possible strategies to improvise resources for practical training in Metal Machining and fitting ( MMF) section, at Jinja Vocational Training Institute ( JVTI ), and the impact of the improvised resources to enhance practical training. The study used descriptive research design and purposive sampling to select the respondents from Jinja Vocational Training Institute (JVTI.). The method of data collection included interviews, participant observation, focus group discussion and future workshops. The data collected was analyzed and presented under themes following research objectives. The preliminary phase involved identifying factors affecting practical training in Metal Machining and Fitting Section (MMF) section at Jinja Vocational Training Institute (JVTI). The finding revealed quite a number of factors of which lack of practical training resources emerged as the most outstanding. Together with the stake holders causes of lack of practical training resources were identified, solutions to causes were generated, implemented and evaluated. These included among others the use of timber off cuts from carpentry workshop, Plastic off cuts from plumbing workshop, metal scraps from Metal Machining and Fitting Section (MMF) and Welding and Metal Fabrication (W/F) workshops and past practical examination materials to be used for practical training. The results revealed that lack of practical training resources denied the students from getting the practical training they deserved. It was strongly recommended that using improvised resources should be emphasized for the students to continue have practical exercise when practical lessons are on. Students should always be on the alert to pick any material which can improvise training resources and use it for workshop practice.
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    Enhancing the use of a school garden to improve practical skills among a-level students of agriculture nsangi secondary school in wakiso district
    (Kyambogo university (Unpublished work), 2018-11) Yamumpereka, Grace
    Whereas many secondary schools have gardens and farms, there is public outcry that secondary school graduate students know a lot of theory. These students lack enough practical skills more so in Agriculture; which skills would have helped them even after school. This action research study was conducted in Nsangi Secondary School to boost practical skills among students of Agriculture through rejuvenating the use of the school garden in the teaching learning processes. The objectives were to: characterize the existing agriculture teaching and learning practices in the School; identify the possible opportunities and challenges for reviving the functionality of the school garden, promote the utilization of the school garden for the teaching and learning of Agriculture and evaluate the functionality of the school garden in promoting the acquisition of practical skills among students of Agriculture at A-level. Data was collected using interview guides, observation checklists, and focus group discussions. Coding was done to summarize the responses given by the stakeholders for analysis. Qualitative data was cleaned and summarized into themes. Quantitative data was analy7ed with the aid of a computer using Microsoft Excel and SPSS as tools for analysis. The findings indicated that: the Agriculture teaching and learning practices in the school were largely theoretical and unable to equip learners with practical skills; the availability of the school garden enabled the learners to acquire skills in setting up and managing nursery beds, transplanting and care for seedlings in the seedbed. The key implementation challenges were funding for gardening activities and lack of scheduling on the school time table. Based on the findings, it was concluded that school gardens can effectively equip students with the practical skills only if well cared for as a teaching resource. It is recommended that the school garden gets funded for sustainability to be used in enhancing the practical teaching and learning of in Secondary Schools of Uganda.
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    Sensitivity of vocational education institutions to the needs of learners with physical disability: a case study of ocoko rehabilitation centre in arua Uganda
    (Kyambogo University (Unpublished work), 2011-01) Draji, John Bosco
    The purpose of the study was to investigate the sensitivity of vocational education institutions to the needs of learners with physical disability by taking a case study of Ocoko Rehabilitation Centre in Arua, Uganda. The study was guided by three research objectives namely: to establish the relevance of the vocational education curriculum in relation to learners with physical disability, assess the role of teachers in enhancing the learning process of learners with physical disability and to find out how the various assistive devices available in the vocational institution enhanced learning for students with physical disability. The population under the study included 3 administrators, 6 teachers and 18 students making a total of 27. The sample for the study consisted of 11 respondents broken down into the different categories as follows; 1 administrator, 4 teachers and 6 students. The methods the researcher used for data collection were in depth interviews with key respondents and personal observations. The instruments used for data collection were interview guides and observation list. The category of respondents included; one administrator, 4 teachers and 6 students. Data analysis was carried out by the use of qualitative methods, mainly descriptive in nature. The findings presented were analyzed following objectives of this study: The findings of the study indicated that the vocational education curriculum which consisted of training in leather work, tailoring, knitting and weaving, carpentry and joinery, metal work and pastoral subjects was relevant to the needs of learners with physical disability and the world of work. This is because the learners with physical disability were able to learn any one of the subjects in the curriculum depending on their individual choices and abilities. The learners were taught both vocational theory and practice at the institution. This made the learners self reliant on completion of their courses. The findings revealed that materials for practicals were in short supply across all the subjects and this reduced the effectiveness of the curriculum. The study findings also showed that the role played by teachers at Ocoko Rehabilitation. Centre in enhancing the learning process of learners with physical disability was limited by the fact that there were no professionally trained teachers of special needs education at the centre. The results also indicated that assistive devices relevantly enhanced the learning process for learners with physical disability in one way or the other. Based on the findings, it is recommended that government should adequately fund the centre and facilitates in-service training of teachers already serving at the centre in special needs education. More teachers of special needs education should be recruited to offset the shortage of teachers to cater for the special needs of learners with physical disability in vocational education institutions. Funding should be directed towards meeting the needs of learners with physical disability such as assistive devices and teaching-learning materials. Policy makers at all levels should mobilize and sensitize the community towards strengthening the sensitivity of vocational education institutions in Uganda to the needs of learners with physical disability.
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    The relationship between hospitality training and the needs of the labour market in selected hotels in Kampala
    (Kyambogo University (Unpublished work), 2013-01) Nakyobe, Safinah
    This thesis was done under the title; "The relationship between hospitality training and the needs of the labour market in selected hotels in Kampala". The purpose of this study was to investigate whether training conducted in middle level hospitality training institutions in Uganda meets the needs of the labour market in the hotel sector. The study was directed by three objectives that involved establishing the needs of the labour market in the hotel sector, examining how hospitality training is conducted in training institutions and identifying whether and where there are gaps in the training system in relation to the needs of the labour market in the hotel sector. The study was based mainly on a descriptive research design. Two training institutions and two hotels were selected because of their proximity to Kampala and accessibility to the researcher. The sample size was 52 respondents; composed of 34 learners, six instructors, two administrators, five trained hotel employees and five line managers/supervisors. Both simple random and purposive sampling techniques were used. Data were finally sorted, edited, coded and analysed qualitatively. The results of the study indicated that hospitality training institutions lacked adequate facilities to train and equip learners with knowledge, skills, attitudes and values needed in hotels. The discrepancies were identified in terms of inadequate training curricula, insufficient and inappropriate tools/equipment and materials in the training institutions and weak linkages between the training institutions and the hotels. The results from the study indicated that, the training methodology was more teacher-centered than learner centered. The learners did not seem to own their learning. In addition, it was established that learners undertook industrial training at the end of their training period in institutions and the industrial training in the work places had a short period of 3-4 months. Assessment and evaluation of learners in training institutions was through examinations with no consideration of learners' progression in practical activities assigned to them at school and their ability to demonstrate their knowledge in the work places. In light of the above findings, the researcher's recommendations included the following; equip hospitality training institutions with appropriate tools, equipment and materials, plan, review & develop curriculum to meet the changing skill needs in the hospitality industry, promote collaborative staff and student exchanges between institutions and hotels for better skill learning and application, integrate business & entrepreneurship training into hospitality training for income generation and subsidization of training expenses, increase on time allocated for industrial attachments, increase motivation of employers for effective collaborative industrial training.
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    Enhancing practical skills acquisition for engineering students in refrigeration and air conditioning programme at Kyambogo University
    (Kyambogo University [unpublished work], 2017-12) Mwesigwa, Joseph
    This study was aimed at enhancing practical skills acquisition for engineering students in Refrigeration and Air conditioning (RAC) programme at Kyambogo University (KYU). A situation analysis carried out revealed that the world of work which involves employers and end users of RAC equipment demands hands on practice to solve operational challenges. Strategies to address the problem of "teaching and learning resources" were suggested during a future workshop from which a problem statement was developed. Research objectives were formulated which centered on: Identifying the challenges in the existing teaching and learning process in the RAC courses at KYU; Establishing practical skilling strategies for the students of RAC programme at KYU; Implementing practical skilling strategies for the students of RAC programme at KYU and evaluating the implementation of practical skilling strategies for the RAC students at KYU. The researcher used participatory action research model as the operating method to the practical skills acquisition process of the students. The methods of data collection included; interviews, observation and focus group discussions. The findings revealed that: Maintenance of equipment, lack of instructional materials; lack of a learning workshop place and improper time tabling were the main challenges during the teaching and learning process. The study implemented the following practical skills acquisition strategies: maintenance of practical equipment, carrying out holistic teaching, organizing field trips for students, availability of the practical learning space, allocation of adequate practical time, procurement of instructional materials, observation of health/safety measures and carrying out workplace learning. The researcher then evaluated the implementation by: developing assessment sheets, reflective logs and questionnaire documents as tools for testing the impact of the study. It was concluded that equipment handling within the available learning space and workplace learning be emphasized during the teaching and learning process. It was recommended that, the established practical skilling strategies should be maintained to improve the quality of the graduate students from the Refrigeration and Air conditioning programme.
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    Knowledge and skills training and the labour market requirements in south Sudan: a case study of yei vocational training center, yei River County
    (Kyambogo University [unpublished work], 2013-11) Akech, Makuol John
    The study investigated the knowledge and skills training and the labour market requirements in Yei River County, South Sudan. The objectives of the study were; to examine the curriculum offered by YVTC and its relationship with the labour market in Yei River county; to assess the mode of delivery at Yei Vocational training Centre in Yei River county and identifying the skills gaps faced by the fresh graduates of Yei Vocational Training center in Yei River County vis-a-vis the labour market demands. I used descriptive and explorative study design in order to get scientific data. The methods of data collection used were in-depth interviews, focus group discussion, observation and documentary analysis. The data analysis process comprised of transcription of field data and coding it to form the themes following the objectives of the study. I presented and interpreted the coded data and discussed the findings based on personal reflections and interpretation backed up with scholarly work. The study findings revealed that the contents of the curriculum do equip the learners to handle some areas in the labour market. Those trained in VET skills go directly to the job market by either creating their own workshops or join the other workshops. The VET training gave the trainees oppo1tunity to acquire the employable skills and knowledge to work in the labour market or to create their own jobs. The issue of job creation helps them to be self-reliant and eliminates the dependability rate of the graduates on the employers and the government employment. The skills they acquired were useful to them in that it makes them to sustain their life and families and help other people in the society. However, the contents gave only basic skills and the graduates would not be able to do advanced work of construction and enginee1ing. ICT skills were lacking in the graduates; this gave challenges in the world of work as a skill gap. The pedagogical approaches used in the learning process were able to foster learners' ability to do work in the labour market. But lack of exposure to modern tools gave the graduates difficulties in performing their task in the labour market. The study concluded that the content was relevant and capable of equipping the graduates with some working knowledge and skills to work in the labour market. But there were areas lacking in the contents, ICT skills in the graduates. They had basic skills only, so it was difficult for them to do advanced work in the labour market, hence a gap. Lack of exposure to modern tools was a challenge to the new graduates but with time in workplaces, they were able to improve on their areas of weakness. The study recommends government should allocate sufficient funds for VET training, establishes institutions and workplaces for VET activities. The development partners, community, VET institutions should do their part as recommends to support VET activities in south Sudan. These recommendations include the need to have unified curriculum which is reviewed, VET institution needs to procure some modern tools and materials, community should provide land for the expansion of VET activity, and there is need for VET institution to maintain direct link and connection with labour market.
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    Improving technical skills gap of mechanical technician trainees in the fitter machinist section: a case of jinja vocational training institute
    (Kyambogo University [unpublished work], 2017-12) Mugombesya, Patrick Salanjaye James
    The study was conducted at Jinja Vocational Training Institute, one of the public institutions in the country, established to empower graduates with employable skills and competences relevant to labour market. The purpose of the study was to investigate how to improve the technical skills gap of mechanical technician trainees in the fitter machinist section. The study was guided by four objectives: To establish the gaps hindering practical skills acquisition in the fitter machinist section at Jinja Vocational Training Institute; identify measures of addressing the gaps hindering practical skills acquisition in the section; implement the measures identified to improve practical skills acquisition and, evaluate the identified measures put in place to improve practical skills acquisition. To realize these objectives, an action research study was conducted at the institute with the stake holders who were predominantly trainees from the fitter machinist section. The research design was descriptive in nature. Action research was preferred because it involved the critical stages of planning, observing, acting and evaluation of every cycle. A sample size of five participants was purposively selected to conduct the study. Data was collected through interviews, focus group discussions, future workshop and, observations using tools like manila paper, log forms and a camera to record data. An evaluation was carried out through questionnaires and observations which revealed that the implementation conducted during the study was appropriate because it yielded the expected results; training facilities are now available for effective skills transfer. Thereafter, recommendations were made towards better improvement of the training and learning processes in the institute in general and practical skills acquisition in particular. Key words: Competences, Skills-transfer, Fitter machinist, Facilities, Skills gap
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    Vocational education and training (VET) graduates and the labour market in Uganda: A Case Study of Art and Industrial Design at Kyambogo University
    (Kyambogo University [unpublished work], 2010-12) Tusiime, Wycliff Edwin
    This study looked into the relevance of knowledge and skills acquired by Vocational Education and Training graduates in the field of Art and Industrial design at Kyambogo University in relation to the changing requirements of the labour market I world of work in Uganda during the last century. A descriptive research design was followed, in which questionnaires; an interview guide, record form and an observation guide were used to collect data from a sample that included lecturers, students in industrial training, employers and recent graduates. The research findings revealed a mismatch between the knowledge and skills acquired by graduates and the knowledge and skills demanded on the labour market. The researcher concluded that practical skills gained by graduates tend to remain on the level of theoretical learning since the methods employed in teaching and learning do not emphasize the hands-on pedagogical approach of learning in relation to the world of work. It is recommended that the Government of Uganda focuses more attention on and equips vocational institutions including Kyambogo University, and the Department of Art and Industrial Design in particular, with materials, equipment and instruction capable of enhancing vocational pedagogical learning needed in working life.
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    Skills laboratory and enhancement of practical competence among interior design students in the department of art and Industrial Design Kyambogo University
    (Kyambogo University [unpublished work], 2017-12) Nansubuga, Lydia
    The study was carried out in the department of Art and Industrial Design particularly focusing on the Interior Design program to assess the occupational training provided by the department to the graduates. It was guided by four objectives; Examining the existing teaching and learning processes in the Department of Art and Industrial Design, establishing a skills lab by renovating and organizing the available resources, utilize the established lab in skills and competence acquisition and evaluate the impact of utilizing the skills lab on acquisition of skills and competence among interior designers. The main findings showed that the graduates lacked competence and confidence due to inadequate practice. It was deliberated that a skills lab be established to solve the problem. Descriptive study design was employed, taking a qualitative approach based on a sample of 35 respondents comprised of; Instructors, graduates already working, continuing students, technicians, experts from the world of work and administrative staff (secretary and Head of department). These were selected purposively to avail the relevant information. Data was collected using individual interviews, focus group discussions, documentary analysis, discussion and dialog using the future workshop tool. The skills lab helped students to gain skills in color selection for interior spaces, handling tools and materials for painting and practical skills in applying various paint effects in different hues. They also acquired skills in operating and maintaining sewing machines, curtain making, installing curtain rods and dressing the curtains. Lastly they acquired social skills like interpersonal relationships, delegation, responsibility, collaboration, creativity, research and critical thinking through group learning and project based learning.
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    Information and communication technology for graphic design training in relation to the world of work: A Case Study of Art and Industrial Design at Kyambogo University
    (Kyambogo University [unpublished work], 2013-12) Ediedu, Moses
    The competence of training in graphic design provided at the Department of Art and Industrial Design, Kyambogo University is still wanting in relation to the requirements in the world of work. This study investigates the use of Information and Communication Technology in graphic design training, employing descriptive research design where more of the qualitative than the quantitative approach was used to collect data through interviews, documentary review and observations. The findings indicated insufficient Information and Communication Technology tools for training, theoretical delivery of graphic design largely involving group participation in lectures and inadequate competence in the use of information and Communication Technology tools in relation to the demands in the world of work. The study recommends increment and supplement of Information and Communication Technology tools, practical delivery of graphic design in a larger space and extended hours of hands on practice for competent development with regard to expectations in the world of work.
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    Analysing technical equipment use in the automotive mechanics department at Bbira Vocational Training Institute
    (Kyambogo University [unpublished work], 2023-06) Nankanja, Juliet
    This study analyzed technical equipment and tools used in training automotive mechanics at the Automotive Department at Bbira Vocational Training Institute (BVTI), to the expectations of the world of work. The research was guided by three objectives that aimed at; identifying the tools and equipment in the Automotive Mechanics Department in Bbira Vocational Training Institute; determining the relevance of the tools and equipment; implementing the effective use of the available equipment for effective skills training in the automotive mechanics department. The research was conducted at the Institute and a participatory action research (PAR) design was employed. Methods employed for data collection included: focus group discussions, interviews, observation of processes of operation and procedures followed in the training; and tools like interview guides, questionnaires, camera for evidence collection and a note book were used to record data. Data collected were presented and analyzed according to the objectives of the study to understand the use of technical tools and equipment in vocational training for the world of work. The training approach observed in the automotive department showed that instructors based more on introducing trainees to actual problem solving techniques using the available tools and equipment so that they acquire the necessary competences while ensuring that the syllabus is covered with relevant real life projects that transform the community. The study thus concluded and recommended that further refresher training for instructors and graduates be done to include modem tools and equipment used in the world of work, with the aim of improving the quality of training at the institute.
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    Strengthening students' engagement to learn practical skills: a case study of kiwoko medical laboratory training school in Nakaseke District
    (Kyambogo University [unpublished work], 2016-12) Nkurikiyimana, Stephenson
    With exposure to different learning styles more especially on hands and expedition in the world of work during my training created in me a desire to analyze work processes for Kiwoko medical laboratory students towards competence acquisition. The study objectives were: to identify intervention to strengthen students engagement to learn practicals, to implement interventions and to evaluate the impact of interventions that enhanced students' engagement to learn practical skills. This research project was voluntary and participatory among 50 stakeholders of a medical laboratory training school. The qualitative data was collected using interviews, participant observation, photography and documentary analysis techniques with the help of a future workshop tool. The initial phase encompassed seeking entry permission into the research field. A situational analysis in which stakeholders and the researcher identified challenges faced by students during skills acquisition was undertaken. The interaction meeting with participants unveiled the following challenges; Much time spent in theory, congestion at practicum sites, procedures taught in the classroom not matching with those in the world of work, Less practical demonstration by tutors, poor students effective self-study, no exposure to HIV counseling, inventory, and store management skills. The stakeholders intervention to mitigate the challenges were; Enhancing practical return demonstrations, Scheduling time for students possible self- study, Attaching students in pharmacy and records for inventory and store management respectively, allocating specific period for theories and practical in the teaching timetable, providing pre and post-HIV counselling skills and reducing actual practices at hospital from 5 to 4 shifts. The evaluation of intervention implemented was based on student's responses, teachers' comments, and photography. Teachers agreed to demonstrate medical laboratory practical's for two weeks each semester, there is students group study for practical lesson from 9-11 am, students have an oral presentation of night and evening attachments reports, KML TS signed and MOU practicum site attachment with Kiboga Hospital agreed to have, external hospital attachment of one month, gazetted competencies for each semester and erected a designed sign post reflecting concept for training laboratory students. Due to students' involvement, there has been greater improvement in laboratory results interpretation, working practices, and communication skills. It is recommended that all tutors should demonstrate practical lessons to students. There should also be workshops on active participation for tutors on how to engage students in learning practicals.
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    Learning and Application of Indigenous Knowledge by The Fishers of Kigungu landing Site on Lake Victoria (Uganda)
    (Kyambogo University [unpublished work], 2011-01) Ogwang, Sam Patrick
    This study describes and analyses the modes of transfer of indigenous fisheries knowledge and skills among the fisher community of Kigungu Landing site. It also looked at how the local knowledge held by fishers about the ecology of Nile Tilapia and Nile Perch fishes of Lake Victoria compares with the existing ecological scientific literature about those fishes. The study aimed at addressing the gender characteristics and roles in fishing, pedagogical principles and modes of learning in the fishing vocation, and to compare the ethno-ecological information provided by fishers with the existing scientific literature about the fishes mentioned. Data were obtained by interviewing fishers and landing site women using standardized interviews and participant observation. Twenty one (21) fishers and 8 women were interviewed respectively. The information collected from respondents included teachers of the vocation, age at joining the vocation, learning contents, modes of knowledge transfer and reproductive season, feeding, migratory behaviors and habitat of Nile Tilapia and Nile Perch and the indigenous science of navigation in the lake. The motivation for this research was to seek information about how fishers learnt the vocation?; how they found their way to and from the fishing grounds; and how they located fish stocks before they could set their fishing gear. We still know very little if any how fishers apply indigenous knowledge in fisheries and how they interpret weather (nature) in relation to fishing and how such knowledge is preserved and passed on to the next generation. Findings from this study revealed that Fishers comprised of only male while a few women provided employment and auxiliary services to fishers. Both male fishers and women were youths. The teachers of the vocation were close relatives (fathers, brothers, friends and uncles) and the fishers joined the vocation at the ages of as early as 10 to 30 years old. Learning was by doing through interaction with others, assisted by physical demonstration and verbal instructions from skills masters. Fishers used celestial bodies and land objects to trace their way the water. Local ecological knowledge held by most fishers agreed with available scientific literature about these fish species; however the reproductive biology of Nile perch, a fish they (fishers) know very well could not be established amongst them. The present study highlighted some contribution that the local fishers of Kigungu landing site could make to improve the formal training of vocational fisheries scientists in formal training institutions and in the management of fisheries recourses. It further provided a hypothesis to be investigated in future research whether living close to urban dwellings limited the transfer of indigenous knowledge among such community. Further it recommended future studies to find out why fishers olderthan 40 years were absent from Kigungu landing site and a possible explaination if this absence had something to do with limited indigenous knowledge (reproductive biology of Nile perch) and scarcity of indigenous fishing gear at the landing site.
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    Catering training and labour market competence requirements in hotels and restaurants: the case of Nkumba University graduates
    (Kyambogo University [unpublished work], 2014-02) Kareyo, Paseda Koma
    The study titled "Catering Training and Labour Market competence requirements in Hotels and Restaurants" was carried out in the School of Science (SCOS), Department of Hospitality at Nkumba University to examine the Catering training process against the competences or skills needed in the labour market in hotels and restaurants for effective performance in a bid to improve the quality HMIC graduates and the quality of training HMIC training programme at Nkumba University. The following objectives guided the study; investigation of the competencies that are needed in the Catering field, examination of the content in HMIC training curriculum at Nkumba University and analysis of the training process during the University. A descriptive case study design was adopted using qualitative methods of data collection and analysis. The study took a sample of 36 respondents which comprised of the training staff, HMIC students in their final year, the graduates already working and hotel managers, who were selected using purposive sampling technique, simple random and snowball. Data were collected using documentary analysis, in-depth interviews and observation. The study revealed that communication skills, customer service skills, computer knowledge and IT skills and knowledge of the level of service expected. Although the study established that most course units were relevant to the labour market requirements apart from a few course units like rural sociology, and catering law, the University provided theoretical training. Also evident from the findings is that the lecture method is one of the methods commonly used by HMIC trainers. The study concluded that HMIC training programme at Nkumba University was relevant to the tasks the graduates handled at work. Although the curriculum content was considered adequate, the lecture approach of training commonly used had its shortcomings in terms of imparting the graduates with relevant skills/competences required by the labour market in hotels and restaurants. The theoretical training of HMIC programme without the practice cannot equip the graduates with the practical competences/skills required of them to perform practical tasks. I recommend that the department of hospitality at Nkumba University should adopt a more "practical" approach to training which can involve the students practically so as to make the training more relevant to the requirements of the labour market in hotels and restaurants.
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    Enhancing the usage of Kiswahili in secondary schools and in the world of work in isingiro district
    (Kyambogo University [unpublished work], 2014-02) Otus, Sunday
    This study was carried out with a view to enhancing the usage of Kiswahili both in secondary schools and in the world of work in lsingiro district after observing that despite the numerous avenues for acquisition, picking and learning, its level of usage had remained low and ungrammatical in the area. The study was carried out in selected Government Aided Secondary schools and from the business and civil communities in Isingiro district. Three objectives guided the study ; to investigate aspects involved in the teaching and learning of Kiswahili in secondary schools in lsingiro district, establish the usage of Kiswahili both at school and in the world of work and examine the challenges in enhancing the usage of Kiswahili in secondary schools and world of work. The study used a descriptive design, taking both qualitative and quantitative approaches based on a sample of 82 respondents which comprised of Kiswahili candidate students, Kiswahili teachers, school leavers, business men and elders. The research findings revealed that the teaching of Kiswahili in the selected secondary schools was theoretical and not interactive, and there were limited avenues for practicing Kiswahili both at school and in the world of work. The study concluded that the teaching was not communicative enough to give the learners the communicative competence. In addition, the little learned at school tends to be forgotten due limited avenues for practice and recommended that teaching needs to involve learners in practical language learning activities and make Kiswahili a popular language of communication in all social arenas as well as the government giving it necessary support.
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    Promoting indigenous knowledge in multimedia craft production among refugees in Uganda (a case of bidibidi refugee settlement in west-Nile)
    (Kyambogo University [unpublished work], 2022-02) Munduru, Janet
    This qualitative study on Promoting Indigenous Knowledge in Multimedia craft production among Refugees in Uganda with a case study of Bidibidi Refugee Settlement in Yumbe district was guided by four research objectivities: To establish the impact of lndigenous Knowledge in Multimedia production, Promote Indigenous Knowledge in Multimedia Production, Implement the Promotion of Indigenous Knowledge in multimedia crafts Production and to Evaluate the Promotion of Indigenous Knowledge in Multimedia Production in Bidibidi Refugee Settlement. The study was based on social learning theory where learning is a social process that involves observation, modelling and imitation socially from one another. The research adopted a Participatory Action Research (PAR) design using situation analysis and future workshop approaches. Sixty-two (62) participants were purposively and randomly selected using Krejcie and Morgan (1970) method for determining the sample size. Data was collected using focus group discussion, Future Workshop, observation and a checklist with the consent of taking photographs in every activity. The interventions comprised of community dialogue, sensitization, training, monitoring, follow up, meetings, conducting workshops and display. The findings of the study showed that learners were not introduced to indigenous knowledge in multimedia craft production (IKMC); instead, learners were practising other arts. The teachers and caregivers never gave time for art as it is not examined by Uganda National Examination Board (UNEB) at the primary level though in the curriculum and syllabus of the Accelerated Learning Program (ALP) it is included under Creative Art and Physical Education (CAPE). Lastly, many of the teachers and caregivers had little skill in art and craft. The evaluation revealed that learners, caregivers and stakeholders got interested in craft making within the settlement. They acquired knowledge and skills for making various types of indigenous crafts. The study recommends that there should be constant training, workshops, monitoring, follow up, supervision and assessment of all teachers and caregivers in the child-friendly spaces (CFS) on production, implementation, storage, management and handling of indigenous multimedia art and craft products for its continuity and economic value to the beneficiaries. Additionally, dialogue meetings with the host community should be organized for smooth operation, accessibility of locally available raw materials and peaceful co-existence within the settlement.
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    Support systems for training persons with disabilities in Uganda: a case of business technical vocational education and training institutions
    (Kyambogo University [unpublished work], 2013-12) Mirembe, Susanie
    The study was carried out in BTVET Institutions in Iganga district to investigate the available support systems for persons with disabilities. It was guided by three objectives: Establish support systems available for persons with disabilities in Business Technical Vocational Education and Training Institutions, find out the effectiveness of available support systems for trainees with disabilities in BTVET Institutions and to ascertain the challenges encountered in the process of training persons with disabilities in vocational skills. The study was intended to create more awareness among persons with disability about their rights to education at all levels, be a source of information to other researchers about support that is required for training students with disabilities in BTVET Institutions and enlighten the policy makers and implementers on the need to support persons with disability to enhance their education and training in vocational skills. A descriptive study design was used taking a qualitative approach and non-statistical methods to present and analyse data. Data were collected using observation and in-depth interviews with Principals of the Institution, Instructors and Trainees. These were selected using purposive and stratified sampling techniques. Findings from the study revealed that students with disabilities in BTVET Institutions are enrolled either on formal or non-formal programs. Support given to them is from both government and non-governmental organisations. Training is on inclusive basis and students with and those without disabilities share the same environment, classrooms, Instructors, equipment and materials and other facilities in the institute. To ensure effectiveness of available support, modification of content in the curriculum and time adjustment, training students using available equipment by available Instructors, social support to students with disabilities by members of the community, modification of institute structures like some classrooms, latrines and workshops. The training process was somehow challenging to the service providers and students with disabilities in a way that Instructors had inadequate skills in special needs education, insufficiency of equipment, lack of proper communication skills especially to deaf students, inaccessibility to some institute structures due to the design of steps at the entrances. The study concluded that a number of services exist in BTVET Institutions to support PWDs to train in vocational skills. However, BTVET Institutions need to be given more support to continue implementing the training of PWDs.
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    Clinical placement support as a means of enhancing critical care competences among icu nursing trainees. A case of Uganda heart institute, mulago.
    (Kyambogo University [unpublished work], 2023-09) Mwima, Rachel Joan
    Modern and active teaching and learning methods form an important and integral part in the education of nursing trainees; the acquisition of adequate and relevant skills lead to development of competencies and critical thinking skills, which are relevant in the word of work and ensure patient safety in critical care department. Clinical placement support involves timely assessments, practical hands-on training, mentoring and timely evaluations and feedback, and requires trained and competent critical care nurses, nursing faculty and instructors. Declining clinical placement support during placement was the primary concern, as the nursing trainees are not adequately prepared to deliver cardiac critical care services due to knowledge and practice gaps. This study aimed at improving critical care competencies by empowering ICU nursing trainees with knowledge and skills through practical clinical placement support that bridges the gap that exists in the training process The study employed a participatory action research design, with qualitative and quantitative data sources, guided by the future workshop model. Participation in the action research was voluntary, collaborative and all the stakeholders actively participated. These included; twenty-three (23) stakeholders, ten (10) ICU nursing trainees, two (2) intern nurses, four (4) nursing educators, one (1) cardiorespiratory therapist, two (2) biomedical engineers, one (1) cardiologist and three (3) nursing assessors. Observation, demonstration, education sessions, clinical practice, procedure reviews, key informant interviews, focus-group discussions, critical care nurse competence checklist and photography where employed as methods of data collection. Both descriptive and comparative approaches where used to analyze the data. The Critical care nursing assessment competency checklist was developed and used during the project implementation; to ensure active learning and participation; the nursing trainees, ICU staff and the researcher participated in all the aspects of the project that included planning, development of the assessment tool, assessment, training and evaluation of competences. As a result, work-based training using applicable pedagogical approaches of learning by doing, inquiry based learning, reflective practice and simulations quickened the realization and application of desired competencies. . It was recommended that the tool be reviewed and adopted by other departments, more time allocated by clinical instructors to learners, the critical care management should set minimum rotation durations that all ICU nursing trainees should adhere too, collaboration between MOES and MOH institutions to ensure longer clinical placements. In conclusion, the critical care nurse competence checklist would serve as a guide in the assessment of competences, development and training of skills among ICU nursing trainees.
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    Improving students enrollment in home economics through selected career guidance strategies: a case of bwera primary teachers’ college in kasese district
    (Kyambogo University [unpublished work], 2023-02) Asiimwe, Angelica
    There has been low enrollment of students in Home Economics at different educational levels globally. The purpose of the study was to implement identified strategies of enhancing students’ enrollment in Home Economics at Bwera Primary Teachers’ College in Kasese District. The study was guided by three objectives that sought to; explore selected career guidance strategies of enhancing enrolment in Home Economics, implement the selected career guidance strategies of enhancing enrolment and evaluate the implemented career guidance strategies of enhancing students enrollment in Home Economics at Bwera Primary Teachers College. This study was qualitative in nature, following a descriptive participatory research design. Through the participatory action research approach, a total of 75 stakeholders were involved in the implementation of the strategies. The methods of collecting data included interviews, future workshops, verbatim quotes, website feedback, focus group discussions and observations. The findings indicate that career talks enhanced immediate students’ enrollment, Home Economics fair showcased activities under Home Economics, the talking compound reminded stakeholders to learn about the course and the website launched a platform for continuous interaction with stakeholders on Home Economics. The study confirmed that there is need for a paradigm shift in order to unlearn, relearn and learn for individuals to compete favourably in the 21st century.
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    Promoting entrepreneurial skills acquisition through project based learning for sustainable business startups: a case of kololo senior secondary school-Kampala
    (Kyambogo University [unpublished work], 2023-02) Fausta, Nakirya
    Acquisition of entrepreneurial skills is crucial to creating independent and sustainable economic activities that result into stable economic growth and development. However many teachers and facilitators feel that entrepreneurship education is taught theoretically given the high level of unemployment of 1.72% by 2019 which increased to 2.44% in 2020 out of which 2.48% are the unemployed youths in Uganda ILO (2019). A study to examine entrepreneurial skills acquisition through project based learning for sustainable business startups, was conducted in Kololo Senior Secondary School-Kampala in Nakawa Division. A participatory action research was used which employed qualitative research as a research approach and it was guided by three objectives: to identify strategies that can be adopted to use project-based learning approach for entrepreneurial skills acquisition in school, analyze the implementation of the strategies of project-based learning approach for entrepreneurial skills acquisition and evaluate the use of project-based learning approaches in relation to entrepreneurial skills acquisition. The study used an action research design and a sample population of 20 respondents, comprising of 3 administrators, 3 business education teachers, and 14 entrepreneurship students. Purposive sampling methods were used in the non-probability-sampling category. Primary and secondary sources of data collection were explored during the study. The qualitative data was summarized, and categorized while the quantitative was analyzed using the statistical packages for the social scientist (SPSS) computer program. Correlation and regression analysis were used to establish the relationship between the study variables to come up with logical conclusive arguments of the study findings. The findings revealed that effective implementation of projects in schools is required to enhance practical business skills acquisition. It is done by adopting strategies such as improving teacher commitment, combining projects with learning and choosing easy subjects. It was revealed that learners do participate in school-based projects through entrepreneurship clubs through which they acquire the practical skills that are help them develop business ideas after school. It was recommended that learning institutions should put in place a follow up system for their learners’ in the business world to ascertain the extent to which entrepreneurial skills are being used to put up successful enterprises. Government should increase its budgetary allocation in entrepreneurship education centers and schools for such school projects to become real demonstration centers. Sensitizing all stakeholders in the education sector about the need new competence-based curriculum (CBC) that trains learners to acquire employable skills, this will further cement the need for school-based projects for entrepreneurial skills acquisition.