Enhancing the usage of Kiswahili in secondary schools and in the world of work in isingiro district

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Kyambogo University [unpublished work]


This study was carried out with a view to enhancing the usage of Kiswahili both in secondary schools and in the world of work in lsingiro district after observing that despite the numerous avenues for acquisition, picking and learning, its level of usage had remained low and ungrammatical in the area. The study was carried out in selected Government Aided Secondary schools and from the business and civil communities in Isingiro district. Three objectives guided the study ; to investigate aspects involved in the teaching and learning of Kiswahili in secondary schools in lsingiro district, establish the usage of Kiswahili both at school and in the world of work and examine the challenges in enhancing the usage of Kiswahili in secondary schools and world of work. The study used a descriptive design, taking both qualitative and quantitative approaches based on a sample of 82 respondents which comprised of Kiswahili candidate students, Kiswahili teachers, school leavers, business men and elders. The research findings revealed that the teaching of Kiswahili in the selected secondary schools was theoretical and not interactive, and there were limited avenues for practicing Kiswahili both at school and in the world of work. The study concluded that the teaching was not communicative enough to give the learners the communicative competence. In addition, the little learned at school tends to be forgotten due limited avenues for practice and recommended that teaching needs to involve learners in practical language learning activities and make Kiswahili a popular language of communication in all social arenas as well as the government giving it necessary support.


xiv, 95 p. ;


Kiswahili, Secondary schools, World, Isingiro district


Otus, S. (2014). Enhancing the usage of Kiswahili in secondary schools and in the world of work in isingiro district.