Knowledge and skills training and the labour market requirements in south Sudan: a case study of yei vocational training center, yei River County

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Kyambogo University [unpublished work]


The study investigated the knowledge and skills training and the labour market requirements in Yei River County, South Sudan. The objectives of the study were; to examine the curriculum offered by YVTC and its relationship with the labour market in Yei River county; to assess the mode of delivery at Yei Vocational training Centre in Yei River county and identifying the skills gaps faced by the fresh graduates of Yei Vocational Training center in Yei River County vis-a-vis the labour market demands. I used descriptive and explorative study design in order to get scientific data. The methods of data collection used were in-depth interviews, focus group discussion, observation and documentary analysis. The data analysis process comprised of transcription of field data and coding it to form the themes following the objectives of the study. I presented and interpreted the coded data and discussed the findings based on personal reflections and interpretation backed up with scholarly work. The study findings revealed that the contents of the curriculum do equip the learners to handle some areas in the labour market. Those trained in VET skills go directly to the job market by either creating their own workshops or join the other workshops. The VET training gave the trainees oppo1tunity to acquire the employable skills and knowledge to work in the labour market or to create their own jobs. The issue of job creation helps them to be self-reliant and eliminates the dependability rate of the graduates on the employers and the government employment. The skills they acquired were useful to them in that it makes them to sustain their life and families and help other people in the society. However, the contents gave only basic skills and the graduates would not be able to do advanced work of construction and enginee1ing. ICT skills were lacking in the graduates; this gave challenges in the world of work as a skill gap. The pedagogical approaches used in the learning process were able to foster learners' ability to do work in the labour market. But lack of exposure to modern tools gave the graduates difficulties in performing their task in the labour market. The study concluded that the content was relevant and capable of equipping the graduates with some working knowledge and skills to work in the labour market. But there were areas lacking in the contents, ICT skills in the graduates. They had basic skills only, so it was difficult for them to do advanced work in the labour market, hence a gap. Lack of exposure to modern tools was a challenge to the new graduates but with time in workplaces, they were able to improve on their areas of weakness. The study recommends government should allocate sufficient funds for VET training, establishes institutions and workplaces for VET activities. The development partners, community, VET institutions should do their part as recommends to support VET activities in south Sudan. These recommendations include the need to have unified curriculum which is reviewed, VET institution needs to procure some modern tools and materials, community should provide land for the expansion of VET activity, and there is need for VET institution to maintain direct link and connection with labour market.


xii, 96 p. ;


Knowledge, Skills training, Labour market, South Sudan, Yei vocational training center, Yei River County


Akech, M. J. (2013). Knowledge and skills training and the labour market requirements in south Sudan: a case study of yei vocational training center, yei River County.