Time management and employee productivity in commercial banks: a case study of KCB bank-Uganda
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Kyambogo University (un published work)
The objectives of the study included; to determine the relationship between planning time and employee productivity in KCB bank, to establish the relationship between controlling time and employee productivity in KCB bank and to establish the relationship between organising time and employee productivity in KCB bank. The study employed a case study design where mixed approaches were adopted to collect both quantitative and qualitative data for triangulation purposes. A total population of 50 respondents of KCB bank was considered with a sample of 45 respondents obtained using Slovene formulae. Quantitative data was obtained using questionnaires from only 39 respondents selected using simple random sampling method giving a response rate of 86 percent. Qualitative data was obtained using interviews form 4 respondents selected using purposive sampling method.A Pearson correlation analysis was performed to address the research objectives and questions. Findings revealed that there is a positive weak significant relationship between planning time and employee productivity (r=0.409, P<0.01). There is a positive weak significant relationship between controlling time and employee productivity (r=0.427, P<0.01). Furthermore, there is a positive weak significant relationship between organising time and employee productivity (r=0.409, P<0.01). It was concluded that planning time, controlling time and organising time have a positive significant relationship with employee productivity. The study recommends that there is need for management at KCB bank to plan, control and organise time of employees in order to improve their productivity in terms of efficiency and effectiveness, this can be done through, discouraging social media during working hours, specify timelines for the achievement of different tasks, strengthen regulations against time and allocate tasks according to the ability of each staff. Future studies can consider carrying out the same study while involving other organisations in Uganda and the scope of the study would also be extended by studying other factors influencing employee productivity such as Continuous Professional Development policies and performance appraisal.
Key Words: Planning time, Organizing time, Controlling time and Employee productivity
xii,57 p
Planning time., Organizing time., Employee productivity., Time management.
Nambozo, Gertrude (2019)