Marketing strategies and sales performance of manufacturing firms in Uganda: a case study of Tambo steels Uganda limited

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Kyambogo University (un published work)


The study focused on examining the effect of Marketing Strategies on Sales Performance of Manufacturing Firms in Uganda with specific focus on Tembo steels Uganda Limited as area of study. The study objectives were to establish the relationship between product development strategy and sales performance, evaluate the relationship between price strategy and sales performance, to determine the relationship between place strategy and sales performance and examine the relationship between promotion strategy and sales performance of Tembo Steels Uganda Limited. A case study design was used for this study. A total of 68 respondents participated. Simple Random, Stratified and Purposive sampling techniques were used to select respondents. Questionnaire and interview guide were used to collect data. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze data and findings presented in tables and figures. Results showed a strong positive impact of sales promotion on sales performance through improving brand awareness, consumer-perceived product quality, enhancing product use, company's brand image, and loyalty. The use of pricing strategy increased sales volume, use of penetration pricing influences customer purchase and value-based pricing has a positive impact on profitability. Findings further that majority of the respondents agreed that advertising is used to present product and ideas, sales promotions influences sales volume, e-marketing has a positive influence on performance, direct marketing increase profit. The study concluded that product quality has a positive impact on sales performance, brand awareness influences organizational performance, the packaging is used to describe the product, brand image, and loyalty influences company's profitability and pricing strategy increases sales volume. Besides, store design and use of attractive stimuli such as music have influence has a positive effect on consumer purchase and sales volume, and geographic location has a significant influence on profitability, advertising, direct marketing, and increases sales volume. The study recommended that Tembo Steels Uganda Limited should improve on their packaging design to increase product visibility and recognition. Improve on their branding strategy. Use price promotion strategy such as uses price discounts, free samples, bonus packs to increase customer's intention to purchase their products hence increase in sales volume. Tembo Steels Uganda Limited should also use attractive stimuli's in their work environment and also during promotion hence influences customer's perception and increase sales.


xii,87 p.: ill (some col)


Marketing strategies., Sales performance., Manufacturing firms.


Ngendahayo, Jean Claude (2019) Marketing strategies and sales performance of manufacturing firms in Uganda: a case study of Tambo steels Uganda limited