Control activities and fraud control in MTN Uganda mobile money services
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Kyambogo University [unpublished work]
This study sought to establish the relationship between control activities and fraud control in MTN Uganda Mobile Money services using a correlation analysis for a sample of Sixty-six (66) respondents. The three specific objectives of this study were to: examine the relationship between segregation of duties and fraud control in MTN mobile money services in Uganda, establish the relationship between fraud awareness and training and fraud control in MTN mobile money services in Uganda and lastly establish the relationship between independent checks and fraud control in MTN mobile money services in Uganda. The researcher employed a case study research design. Purposive sampling method and simple random sampling methods of sampling were used to select respondents to, the data collection instruments. The study used closed ended questionnaires which were administered by the researcher though drop and pick method. Sixty-six (66) respondents out of a population of eighty (80) were selected. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and correlation analysis. Details of the results from the test revealed that the control activities have a positive and significant relationship with fraud control apart from Segregation of duties whose relationship was found to be insignificant.
The findings of this study are of invaluable benefits to the management of MTN Uganda and other stakeholders since they are bound to enable them streamline the control systems to control fraud. Ultimately, the findings can ensure improved fraud control. It was recommended that management should fight by all means to improve organizational processes, policies and procedures to reduce or eliminate the causal factors of fraud is the single best defense against fraud. This will address the weakness within the organisation structure that normally exposes resources to risk of loss due to fraud.
xi, 76 p. ;
Control activities, Fraud control, MTN Uganda, Mobile money services
Ainomugisha, F. (2028). Control activities and fraud control in MTN Uganda mobile money services.