Renewable and non‑renewable energy consumption and economic growth in Uganda

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Springer Nature Business & Economics


This study investigates the effect of renewable energy and non-renewable consump- tion on Uganda’s economic growth in the period between 1990 and 2015. The major objective of this study is to ascertain whether there exist a credible relationship between renewable and non-renewable energy on Uganda’s economic growth in the period under the review.The study uses auto regressive distributed lag and Granger Wald test to investigate the the causal relationship between renewable and non- renewable energy consumption on Uganda’s economic growth in the period under the review. The Results in this study indicate that there exist a positive relationship between non-renewable energy consumption and Uganda’s economic growth in the short run, while there exist a negative relationship between renewable energy con- sumption and Uganda’s economic growth in the period under review. This study indicates that more empahasis should be put on the exploitation of non-renewable energy consumption in Uganda as it leads to more economic growth in the country.



Renewable and non-renewable energy consumption, Autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL), Uganda


Mutumba, G. S., Odongo, T., Okurut, F. N., Bagire, V., & Senyonga, L. (2022). Renewable and non-renewable energy consumption and economic growth in Uganda. SN Business & Economics, 2(7), 63.
