Barriers and Opportunities in Harnessing Geothermal Energy: A Case Study of East Africa


This paper examines geothermal energy applications and development in East Africa. With a large geothermal power potential of 30,000MW, about 5% of this potential has been developed in the region. This study uses secondary data to review source documents, empirical literature and archival information, which was triangulated to obtain greater truths. The findings are that geothermal energy is mainly used for power generation and other direct uses. The outstanding barriers are mainly political, economic, socio-cultural, technological environmental and legal regulatory that should be overcome to achieve robust industrialisation among member countries. The prospects include Reliable Power generation, Diversified clean energy source, employment and direct uses. The concluding remarks include suggesting a policy shift to geothermal power as a clean energy option that is a credible source for sustainable industrialisation. There should be a renewable effort to train human resource, set up geothermal policy to fast truck power development options. This study investigates and brings forth the developments in the geothermal power development. It also highlights the drivers and barriers to geothermal development. It also brings possible policy measures to the social and economic planners in expanding the renewable energy sector.


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Geothermal energy, Renewable energy, Electricity, East Africa


Mutumba, G. S., Twinamasiko, E., Kifanta, S., Lule, S. and Erugu, E. (2024). “Barriers and Opportunities in Harnessing Geothermal Energy: A Case Study of East Africa”. Journal of Energy Research and Reviews 16 (11):44-60.
