Quality work efficiency towards enhancement of product development in textiles at texfad in kampala: a case study of weaving.
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Kyambogo University [unpublished work]
The Action research study aimed at investigating quality work efficiency towards enhancement of Product Development in Textiles at TEXFAD Vocational Incubation Centre in Kampala. TEXFAD is a vocational training institute and business incubation Centre offering services in weaving, handcraft, tailoring, fabric decoration, fibre extraction, hair dressing fashion and design. Data collected was based on research objectives: to identify challenges encountered in ensuring quality work efficiency in product development in Weaving at TEXFAD; to determine new strategies to ensure quality work efficiency in product development in Weaving at TEXFAD; to implement strategies put forward to ensure quality work efficiency in product development in
Weaving at TEXFAD and evaluate the success of new strategies implemented and analyzed. To achieve the above objectives, participatory action research design was used and data was gathered democratically and collaboratively. Out of a population of 21 members of TEXFAD, a sample of 11 participants was selected using purposive sampling technique. Data was collected using informal interviews, documentary analysis, observation method and future workshop. Therefore findings were presented and interpreted in themes based on objectives. Findings included limited motivational measures, limited customer awareness about the company and lack of re-training measures. Motivational strategy, Customer awareness and Retraining strategy were implemented to enhance quality work efficiency in product development of weaving through conducting meetings, rewarding of trainers and trainees for their performance, segmentation of sections, profiling business works, finally retraining in weaving processes. Through this research participants acquired skills in weaving processes which cut the costs of hiring experts to warp and thread the machines. The study also stimulated the Director's plan of enlargement which participants had ranked long term.
xiii, 95 p. ill. ;
Product development, Textiles, Texfad, Kampala, Weaving
Nakanwagi, J. (2017). Quality work efficiency towards enhancement of product development in textiles at texfad in kampala: a case study of weaving.