Risk management and service delivery in the transport industry: a case study of kenfreight Uganda Ltd

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Kyambogo University [unpublished work]


This study focused on assessing the impact of risk management on service delivery in the transport industry at Kenfreight (u) Ltd. The study was guided by three main objectives which were to; identify the risks involved at Kenfreight (u) Ltd, establish the means of mitigating the various risks at Kenfreight (u) Ltd and analyse the influence of risk management on service delivery at Kenfreight (u) ltd A descriptive research design was used. The study was qualitative and quantitative in nature. Questionnaire and interview guide were used to collect data and the sample size of 46 respondents was selected using purposive and simple random sampling techniques. In line with the first objective of this study, the findings revealed that the transport industry in general and Kenfreight (u) ltd in particular faces the following risks/challenges: Complexity of today's supply chain networks; Due to more transported goods management of the cargo is risky; Risk of theft; Risk of damage or spoilage of goods; Unreliable exchange rate; Unreliable fuel prices is a risk; Lengthy procedures pose a risk and Customs delays also pose a risk. Concerning the second objective, the study revealed that risk management is a process which involves four general stages of: Risk Planning, Risk Assessment, Risk Handling and Risk Monitoring and Reporting or evaluation. The study also revealed different means of mitigating risks in the transport industry which included; use of technology-based continuous condition monitoring, identification of triggering events and vulnerabilities, implt;:mentation of operative risk management principles, use of financial hedging to reduce the risks associated with exchange rate fluctuation and improving monitoring and security checks. On the last objective, the study revealed that Risk management helps to overcome shortages of critical items which could result into halting the operations of an organisation, Supply risks management positively affects the operations of an organisation by improving the level of customer satisfaction due to eradication of fluctuations in the level of service delivery, and, Time to market is usually improved when risks are well managed beforehand which improves the competitiveness of an organisation . The recommendations of the study are that in order to mitigate risks, Kenfreight (u) ltd should: use technology-based continuous condition monitoring, identification of triggering events and vulnerabilities, implementation of operative risk management principles, use financial hedging to reduce the risks associated with exchange rate fluctuation and improving monitoring and security checks. In conclusion, it is clearly a big challenge for any organisation to be able to achieve effective service delivery in today's volatile business environment. For the transport industry, there are always risks of unpredictable international fuel prices which impact on the operation costs of transport companies. Such changes need to be given special consideration in the framework of risk management as a basis to implement a stable and effective service delivery platform.



Risk management, Service delivery, Transport industry, Ken freight, Uganda


Tumusanyukira, G. B. (2013) Risk management and service delivery in the transport industry: a case study of Ken Freight Uganda Ltd.