Career development and employee performance in Uganda a case of Uganda nation bureau of standards
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Kyambogo University (unpublished work)
The study intended to determine the contribution of career development and Employee
performance at Uganda National Bureau of Standards (U BS). The specific objectives of this
study included to determine the job training contributes employee performance in UNBS: to
exam inc how career mentoring contributes to employee performance in U BS and to establish
the contribution of job orientation and employee performance in UBS.
In this stud y, a case research design was used and both qualitative and qualitative approaches were
adopted. Data was collected using questionnaires and interviews. from a sample of I03
respondents where a response rate of 81 respondents was realized and considered for data analysis.
The study findings revealed chat job training significantly contributes on employee performance
in this organization. The findings also revealed that career mentoring significantly contributes on
employee performance in this organization. It was also revealed that job orientation significantly
contributes on employee performance in this organization. However, the three selected
dimensions of career development moderately contributes on employee performance. It means
that the explanatory power of this model is moderately positive since a unit change in job training.
career mentoring and job orientation can increase on the performance of employees.
Basing on the first objective, this study recommends that this organization may make employee
development a priority: This is a common interview question and also make sure that performance appraisals are consistent. This study further recommends that this organization may
create a new approach to communication. Introduce new ways to communicate throughout the organization. From the last objective. this study recommends that during the employee induction
process, the trainer may use a lot of visuals. and try to avo id text based training. This is because
human beings are much more likely to remember the images rather than text.
xii, 64 p. : ill. ;
Career development, Employee performance, Uganda nation bureau of standards
Kyomugisha, Caroline (2018) Career development and employee performance in Uganda a case of Uganda nation bureau of standards