Employee development and organizational performance at National Water and Sewerage Corporation - nakasero Kampala Capital City
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Kyambogo University [unpublished work]
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of employee development on organizational performance at National Water & Sewerage Corporation. The study was guided by three specific objectives which included establishing the effect of employee mentoring on performance of
National Water & Sewerage Corporation, assessing the effect of employee training on performance of National Water & Sewerage Corporation and examining the effect of employee involvement in decision making on performance of National Water & Sewerage Corporation.
The study was also guided by the social learning theory developed by Albert Bandura in 1977. A cross-sectional survey design was adopted considering both quantitative and qualitative research approaches. The study targeted a total simple size of 80 respondents but 75 managed to respond back. Data was obtained using closed ended questionnaires and interview guide. Data was processed using SPSS v.20 to generate percentages, means, standard deviations, Pearson correlations and regression analysis results. The study found out that employee mentoring, employee training and employee involvement in decision-making were all positively related with performance of NW&SC at r=.989**, r=.976**, r=.901** respectively. Employee development constructs (employee mentoring, employee training and employee involvement in decisionmaking) combined account for 98.1% (Adjusted R2=.981) in variance of performance of
NW&SC. Employee mentoring was the highest predictor with beta value = .651, followed by employee training with beta value = .290 while employee involvement in decision-making was the least predicator with beta value = .061 and with insignificant since it scored P-value (sig) of
.168 which was greater than 0.05. Based on the findings, the study recommended that NW&SC should establish an active mentorship program that accommodates all employees at all levels and fosters the development of each employee's skills. It recommended that the company adopt an active training strategy that includes both on-the-job and off-the-job training and be tailored to the needs of its employees and lastly, NW&SC needs to implement policies and procedures that provide employee involvement in decision-making at all levels in order to guarantee that employees acquire the necessary skills and knowledge.
xii, 67 p. ;
Employee development, Organizational performance, National Water and Sewerage Corporation, Nakasero, Kampala Capital City
Adong, I. (2023). Employee development and organizational performance at National Water and Sewerage Corporation - nakasero Kampala Capital City.