Business process outsourcing and operational efficiency in the telecommunications industry in Uganda a case study of Airtel Uganda
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Kyambogo University (un published work)
This study overall objective was to examine the relationship between Business Process
Outsourcing and Operational Efficiency at Airtel Uganda. The specific objectives related to
assessing the relationship between business process outsourcing planning, implementation
and monitoring and evaluation and operational efficiency at Airtel Uganda. A cross sectional
design adopting qualitative and quantitative approaches was used, the study population
included 125 staff consisting of top management, middle management level, lower
management level and service providers were interviewed. Data was collected using
questionnaires and interviews. The study revealed a moderate positive significant relationship
between business process outsourcing planning and Operational efficiency at Airtel Uganda
represented by (R= 0.502**, P = 0.000). Secondly, the study further discovered a high
positive significant relationship between business process outsourcing implementation, and
Operational efficiency at Airtel Uganda represented by (R=0.805**, P = 0.000). Thirdly, the
study discovered a high positive significant relationship between business process
outsourcing Monitoring and evaluation and Operational efficiency at Airtel Uganda
represented by (R=0.665**, P=0.000)To enhance operational efficiency of Airtel Uganda
using BPO, the study recommends that the management of Airtel in its BPO planning should:
f n its make and buy decision making conduct adequate cost evaluation on each activity to
guide decision to outsource or keep in-house; In SLAs clearly define penalties for contract
violations as disincentive for poor performance. To enhance operational efficiency of Airtel
Uganda using BPO, the study recommends that the management of Airtel in its BPO
implementation should: Solicit for more than one partner and subject them to venting process
and award contracts for outsourcing based on best evaluated bidders at partner solicitation
level. Strengthened partners ' relationship management through integrating technology with
its partners for enhanced information sharing for outsourced activities. To enhance
operational efficiency of Airtel Uganda using BPO, the study recommends that the
management of Airtel in its BPO monitoring and evaluation should: .The responsible
partnership managers and accounts department submit all the ·necessary accountability for
timely payments that are based on fulfillment of performance expectations. Payment should
be effected at least 30 days of invoicing or as provided for in the contract.
IX,65 p
Business process., Outsourcing., Operational efficiency., Telecommunications industry., Airtel Uganda.
Aturinda, Judith (2018) Business process outsourcing and operational efficiency in the telecommunications industry in Uganda a case study of Airtel Uganda