Performance appraisal and teacher performance in government aided primary schools : a case study of Namasale sub-county, Amolatar District

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Kyambogo University [ Unpublished work]


The general objective of the study was to examine the effect of performance appraisal on teacher performance in government aided primary schools in Namasale Sub County in Amolatar district. The study specifically assessed the effect of management by objectives, rating scale criteria and appraisal interview criteria in government aided primary schools in Namasale Sub County in Amolatar District. The study used a case study design adopting quantitative and qualitative approaches. The study population included 182 respondents consisting of teachers, head teachers, deputy head teachers, inspector of schools and District Education Officer. 101 questionnaires were returned giving a response rate of 98% and 10 interviews were successfully conducted. The study found a moderate positive and significant relationship between management by objectives and teacher performance and was the most significant predictor of the variance in teacher performance. There was a moderate positive significant relationship between rating scale criteria and teacher performance and it was the least significant predictor of the variance in teacher performance). Appraisal interview criteria had also a moderate positive significant relationship with teacher performance and it was the second most significant predictor of the variance in teacher. The study recommends that Head teachers should endeavor to involve teachers during goal setting with a view of increasing sense of belonging and a motivation tool to achieving the set priorities, teachers should also be given practicing permits for a given period of time after which appraisal will be done to assess their performance based on prior targets that were set before their working permits are renewed for the next period of service. This will encourage teachers to work hard so as to achieve the set priorities in fear of losing their jobs failure to meet the school expectations from them, the checklists used by the superiors should be exhaustive enough to avoid apprising teachers on a limited scale or list, the checklists should be made known to teachers and what traits are consider during appraisal, Head teachers are encouraged to provide and make time with the teachers so that issues affecting teachers’ performance are brought on the table with the aim of devising measures and the study also recommends that apart from the appraisal, the government of Uganda should get to the ground in Amolatar to discuss with teachers the issues affecting their performance other than appraisal because it was discovered through the findings that teachers are not meeting their expectations because of issues like no promotions, poor accommodations, staying far away from the schools, over work load due to limited teachers, limited class room blocks and seats among others. The government of Uganda should provide solutions to some of these issues if performance is to improve in this Sub County of Namasale.


xiii, 98 p. ;


Performance appraisal, Teacher performance, Government aided schools, Amolater District, Organisation Management, Public sector Management, Management, Schools


Amuge, Winnie Petri ( 2021). Performance appraisal and teacher performance in government aided primary schools : a case study of Namasale sub-county, Amolatar District