Access to assistive technology by university sudents with visual impairment inTanzania

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Kyambogo University (un published work)


The purpose of this study was to explore access to assistive technology by university students with visual impairment in Tanzania. The study was conducted in two public universities with in Dar es Salaam region in Tanzania. The study was based on Human Activity Assistive Technology (HAAT) model by Cook & Hussey (2008). The study employed case study research design \\'here qualitative methods were used. The study targeted a population of students with visual impairment enrolled in public universities. Braille transcribers and an officer working with Tanzania League of Blind (TLB). A sample of thirteen respondents was selected from nineteen people. Purposeful sampling procedure was applied to all the participants. The instruments used for collecting data were interview schedules. Focus Group Discussion (FGD) guides and observational schedule. To ensure validity and reliability of the instruments. a pilot study was conducted. Findings were presented using thematic analysis. The major finding was that assistive technology is generally not yet being accessed by all students with visual impairment in universities in Tanzania. The study concluded that government should guarantee good quality assistive technology to students with visual impairment in public universities within Tanzania by providing human and financial resources as a way to reinforce the Education and Training Policy ( 1995) which was geared towards achieving education for all.


x,104 p


Assistive technology., University students., Visual impairment.


Hozza, Mercy Said (2018) Access to assistive technology by university sudents with visual impairment inTanzania