The influence of transformational leadership style on successful team management in selected kampala volleyball clubs.

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Kyambogo University [unpublished work]


The study explored the influence of transformational leadership on successful team management of selected Kampala volleyball teams. Specific objectives were: to investigate the influence of idealized influence on successful management, to investigate the influence of inspirational motivation on successful team management; to find out how intellectual stimulation affects successful management of volleyball teams and to investigate the influence of individualized consideration on successful team management of volleyball teams. This study utilized a correlation design. A sample size was therefore a total of 86 volleyball players from 10 clubs were interviewed. On the other hand, for qualitative data, convenience sampling technique was used to select 20 leaders from each club respectively. Stratified sampling techniques were used while Questionnaire and Interview Guides were used for data collection. Data analysis was done using SPSS version 16, where descriptive statistics and correlation were ran and determined. Major findings indicated a strong, positive and significant relationship between idealized Influence and successful team management. Also findings reveal that idealized influence can predict 18.9% of variance in successful team management. The study concluded that all four elements once implemented can predict a 77.3% total variance in team management. Major conclusions indicated that the research hypotheses that were upheld. The study recommended that there is need for integration of other knowledge in coaching for instance, mentoring of players seems to help then fit in within the team, need to understand how each team member is motivated in various settings, developing drills in training that create innovativeness, which will enable the players to find solutions to challenges and finally need for coaches to analyze the player's level and execution of skill as an indi~idual.



Idealized influence, Transformational leadership style., Successful team management, Volleyball clubs, Kampala


Tom, M. M. (2014) The influence of transformational leadership style on successful team management in selected kampala volleyball clubs.
