Constructivist pedagogy and the development of mathematics competences among pre-primary school children in Kira municipality-Wakiso district
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Kyambogo University
This study on Constructivist Pedagogy and the Development of Mathematics Competences in selected Pre- Primary Schools in Kira Municipality was based on constructivism theory of learning. The purpose of the study was to investigate the development of mathematics competences through constructive pedagogy. The researcher used descriptive cross sectional design and employed both qualitative and quantitative approaches for the study. Primary and Secondary sources were explored as the main sources for data. The sources used in obtaining data were from journals, articles, textbooks, magazines and research publications. The researcher used Simple random sampling, purposive as well as stratified method to select key subjects that participated in the study. The Questionnaires, observation, documentation and interview guides were used as data collection instruments for the study. The researcher used structured questionnaires which were both closed ended and open ended. The researcher went on to analyze data to formulate frequency tables and charts on which data was presented. The researcher sampled 86 teachers and 10 headteachers from 10 Pre-Primary schools. The findings of this study revealed that over 98% of the teachers considered use of counting sticks in teaching mathematics competences. The findings further revealed that 87% of the respondents agreed that CRA model improved on the learners’ representation ability. Results also showed that most of the pre-primary schools used physical play to develop mathematics competences (83.3%), followed by creative play (75.9%) and lastly games with rules (27.8%). The study concluded that CRA model enabled learners to develop representation abilities, and ability to construct mathematics concepts. It is recommended that school administrators should invest in the relevant types of mathematics manipulative materials in play and emphasize the CRA model of teaching.
xvi,120 p.: ill (somecol)
Constructivist pedagogy, Mathematics competences, Primary school children
Kembubi, Gloria Grace (2020). Constructivist pedagogy and the development of mathematics competences among pre-primary school children in Kira municipality-Wakiso district