Management of school finances and students' academic performance in secondary schools in Bukwo district-Uganda
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Kyambogo University(unpublished work)
The study sought to determine the relationship between management of school finances (availability
of financial resources, financial budgeting and financial accountability) and students' academic
performance in selected secondary schools in Bukwo district. The study employed a cross-sectional
survey design and a descriptive approach. Questionnaires and interviews were administered
(N=l21). Purposive and simple random sampling techniques were used. Data was coded and
analyzed using Statistical Packages for Social Scientist to extract frequencies and percentages.
Interviews were used to gather data from Head teachers, Bursars, BOG and PTA representatives
and this data was qualitatively analyzed using content analysis. The results obtained in the study
indicated that; (i) there was insufficient funding in furniture, library books, play fields , recreational
fields, sports facilities, resource persons ,field trips but laboratory facilities and Teaching resources
and respectively were reported to have sufficient funding. (ii) The following areas were prioritized
in the budgets for optimal academic performance: student meals, mobilization of funds,
development, teachers' moti· ·ation and laboratory equipment. (iii) Proper accountability measures
were observed in most of the schools including proper financial procedures, involvement of the
board of governors, use of supporting documents and use of school registers. The study concludes
that due to limited funds, schools prioritize some core areas for funding and leave out others. The
areas not funded largely contribute to the poor academic performance among the students. The
researcher recommends that; (i) Schools should look out for additional sources of funds to
supplement the existing sources and improve on the financial base. (ii) Government should increase
the grants given to the public schools especially those that have limited financial sources and
resources; (iii) the boards of governors and head teachers of secondary schools should strictly
follow the financial management procedures stipulated in the financial management guidelines
provided by the ministry of education to allow optimal use of school funds. (iv) There is need for
further research to look at the following areas: use of quantitative data to determine relationship
between academic performance and financial management in schools, scrutinizing specific schools'
financial allocations and critical review of schools' financial management documents.
Management., School finances., Academic performance., Secondary schools.
Kapere, Philip(2018) Management of school finances and students' academic performance in secondary schools in Bukwo district-Uganda