Gender mainstreaming policy and leadership position in public universities in Uganda: a case of Kyambogo university
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Kyambogo(Unpublished work)
The purpose of this study was to establish the relationship between Gender Mainstreaming Policy and Leadership Position in Public Universities in Uganda.
The study was guided by three specific objectives: to examine gender mainstreaming policy implementation at Kyambogo University; to establish the relationship between gender mainstreaming equality and leadership positions at Kyambogo University; to establish the relationship between gender mainstreaming equity and leadership positions at Kyambogo University. The researcher used a case study research design which was both quantitative and qualitative approaches. The targeted respondents for the study were the Senior Administrative staff and Top Management. A sample size of 129 respondents was used. Probability and non-probability sampling techniques including simple random and purposive sampling techniques were used for the study. Interview and questionnaire methods were used for data collection. Quantitative data was arranged, sorted, coded, entered, analyzed and presented using descriptive statistics. The data from interview responses were analyzed. The study findings revealed that 32.9% variance in the leadership positions is attributed to gender mainstreaming equality (Adjusted R Square = .315). 30.7% variance in leadership positions at Kyambogo University is attributed to gender mainstreaming equity (Adjusted R Square = .292). It was established that both men and women in Kyambogo University are given equal access and chance to take leadership positions. Gender mainstreaming equality is related to leadership positions. There is fair treatment for both men and women in top management positions at Kyambogo University. There is also a relationship between gender mainstreaming equity and leadership positions. Having an inclusive work plan and affirmative action in gender are key factors in improving women participation in leadership positions at Kyambogo University. The study recommended that the Management of Kyambogo University should ensure strict enforcement of policies aimed at promoting the gender equality especially in the representation of men and women in the University. The university management should also sponsor trainings for women staff in leadership and encourage them to take up higher positions.
87 p.
Gender mainstreaming policy, Leadership, Public universities
Maunde, Asiima (2021). Gender mainstreaming policy and leadership position in public universities in Uganda: a case of Kyambogo university.Kyambogo(Unpublished work).