The relationship between teacher training and learning outcomes of agriculture teacher trainees in primary teachers’ colleges in eastern Uganda

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Kyambogo University[unpublished work]


Effective teacher training is critical for the development of competent teaching workforce, less of which generates ineffective graduates. The study examined the relationship between teacher training and learning outcomes of Agriculture teacher trainees in Primary Teachers’ Colleges in Eastern Uganda. Specifically, the study assessed the relationship between the pedagogical competencies of tutors and teacher trainees of Agriculture, examine the relationship between Agriculture subject matter competencies of tutors and teacher trainees of Agriculture, and examine the influence of training process on the competencies of teacher trainees of Agriculture in Primary Teachers’ Colleges in Eastern Uganda. A cross sectional survey research and mixed methodology designs was used to select a sample of 200 respondents. Data were analyzed using descriptive, Pearson correlation coefficient, and linear regression. Study findings revealed that there is a weak positive significant relationship between pedagogical competencies and student learning outcomes (r=.278**; p=.000<0.01). Further, there is a weak positive significant relationship between learning environment and student learning outcomes(r=.284**; p=.000<0.01). In addition, the findings indicate that there is a strong positive significant relationship between pedagogical competencies in the subject matter and student learning outcomes(r=.411**; p=.000<0.01). The Agriculture subject matter competencies (Beta=0.335, p<0.000) and learning environment competencies (Beta=3.498, p<0.001) have a statistical significant positive influence on learning outcomes of Agriculture teacher trainees. The investigator recommends that there is need to: establish college demonstration farms where teacher trainees of agriculture are provided a conducive environment for hands-on training to develop appropriate competencies for teaching Agriculture; develop a policy for every Primary Teachers’ College to have a farm to ease practical teaching and learning of Agriculture; and to stem up supervision of teaching and learning processes to ensure implementation of active teaching and learning methods that the Ministry of Education and Sports trained Primary Teachers College on and to conduct regular in-service professional competence training to refresh and enhance teaching competencies of tutors. The investigator concludes that there is a substantial relationship between learning environment and student learning outcomes, between pedagogical competencies and student learning outcomes and a substantial relationship between tutor competencies in subject matter and student learning outcomes in Primary Teachers’ Colleges in Eastern Uganda




Teacher training., Learning outcomes., Agriculture teacher trainees.


Nangono, Mike(2022) The relationship between teacher training and learning outcomes of agriculture teacher trainees in primary teachers’ colleges in eastern Uganda