Accelerated learning programme and academic standard of learners in juba county, south Sudan
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Kyambogo University (unpublished work)
The Accelerated Learning Programs (ALP) was an initiative in South Sudan to address the
high demand for education by over aged children who failed to enroll and complete primary
education at the right age. This study sought to establish the impact or ALP on the academic
standards of the learners in Juba County, South Sudan. The study was guided by four
objectives. These were; to compare the academic competence or level four A LP learners with
those in primary eight. to identify the institutional challenges in the implementation /\ LP. to
identify the learner challenges in attending Al.P and to establish the mitigation measures to
the challenges facing the implementation of ALP. A causal comparative research design was
adopted and both qualitative and quantitative methodologies used. Data for the study.was
collected from a wide range of respondents comprising ALP learners, teachers, head teachers
and local education leaders. In addition to the secondary data extracts, a questionnaire and an
interview guide was designed to collect primary data. The final examination results for the
two groups were compared using T-test for independent groups while descriptive statistics
was used to analyse information collected using the questionnaire. The study revealed that.
primary eight learners performed better than level four ALP candidates in the fin al primary
leaving examinations. Shortage or financial resource to implement infrastructural
development, enhance teachers' motivation, and low staff performance capacity were some
of the institutional challenges identified to hinder the implementation of the programe . On
the other hand, Low household income, competing family needs. responsibilities outside
school. insecurity and poor academic performance \Vere the challenges ALP learners faced in
attending to the programme for the mitigation measure s. working hand in hand with
development partners. building or post primary institutions. construction and revitalisation or
county education sectors, and peace building were some of the mitigation measures employed
to avert challenges to the program. It was recommended that the government and the
development partners increase the funding for accelerated learning programme to improve
the human resource, infrastructure and other resources needed for the success of the
xii, 90 p
Accelerated., Learning programme., Academic standard., Learners.
Mono, Robert (2017) Accelerated learning programme and academic standard of learners in juba county, south Sudan