Examining female circumcision among the sabinys from an oral literature’s perspective

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Kyambogo University [unpublished work]


The study examined female circumcision among the Sabiny from an Oral literature perspective. The objectives of the study were; to examine how the Sabiny myths illustrate the centrality of female circumcision, to analyze how Sebei oral poetry glorifies and justifies the circumcision of girls and women and to find out how rituals facilitate the thinking that everything Sabiny girls and women need to know about their culture is through circumcision. The population of study was gotten from people of the communities of Kapchorwa, Kween and Bukwo districts and it comprised of both Sabiny males and females aged 15 years and above, local surgeons and representatives of community Based Organizations. The study employed an exploratory qualitative research design. This design was used because little or nothing has been studied in relation to how important oral literature is in cementing the process of female circumcision in Sebei Sub region, thus filling the gap. Being a literature research, qualitative approach was used. Data was collected using Focus Group Discussion (FGD‟s) and Interviews. The findings indicated that Sabiny myths are a core and central in issues of female circumcision. Sebei oral poetry not only glorifies but also justifies the circumcision of girls and women in areas of instilling courage, the feel of identity, pride, rewarding the initiates and asserting the compulsoriness of FGC. It further found that there are a number of rituals performed on candidates throughout the circumcision process. It is these rituals that facilitate the thinking that Sabiny women and girls need to be circumcised if they should know anything about themselves and their culture. The myths continue to guide and shape the Sabiny women and girls in their day-to-day life. The Sabiny poems /songs have ethical and aesthetic aspects of the tribe in their meaning and performance and so still remain important and of value to people. Thus, they can still be used to glorify other aspects of tradition in general in areas of soothing the gods and ancestors on matters related to life, identity as a tribe, honor and continuity of culture.


ix, 86 p. ;


Female circumcision, Sabinys, Oral literature


Norah, C. (2023). Examining female circumcision among the sabinys from an oral literature’s perspective.