Financial management practices and performance of savings and credit cooperatives in Nakawa division
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Kyambogo University
This study explored the effect of financial management practices on the performance of savings and credit cooperatives in Nakawa division. The study specifically analyzed the effect of cash management on performance of SACCOs, the effect of credit risk management on the performance of SACCOs and assessed the contribution of financial planning on performance of SACCOs in Nakawa division. The research design used was a mixed study design and both qualitative and quantitative approaches were used. A sample of 105 SACCO employees and 6 key informants, were used for the study. Data was obtained using a structured questionnaire and interview guide for employees and key informants and there after analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics for quantitative data while thematic content analysis was used for qualitative data. The findings of the study revealed that cash management had a positive significant influence on SACCO performance (Beta = 0.533, P value = 0.000); a positive significant influence of credit risk management on SACCO performance (Beta =0.227, P value = 0.015); and also a positive significant influence of financial planning on SACCO performance (Beta = 0.380, P value 0.000).
Its therefore recommended that SACCOs should strive to implement better cash management by keeping minimum capital requirements, diversify investments into other cash inflow ventures, ensure effective loan management through good borrower character assessment, and as well as have training on strategic long-term financial planning for improvement in SACCO performance.
x,80 p.
Financial management, Credit cooperatives, Performance
Muliira, Edward Emmanuel (2021). Financial management practices and performance of savings and credit cooperatives in Nakawa division.