Students’ perception of lecturers’ ethical conduct In higher institutions of learning: a case of Kyambogo University
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Kyambogo University[unpublished work]
The study focused on Students’ Perception of Lecturers’ Ethical Conduct in
Higher Institutions of Learning; a case of Kyambogo University. The objectives
that guided the study included; To establish the students’ perception of lecturers’
integrity in Higher Institutions of Learning; To establish students’ perception on
the Lecturers’ Commitment to duty in Higher Institutions of learning; and To
establish students’ perception of the Lecturers’ Honesty in Higher Institutions of
Learning. A qualitative approach and a phenomenological design were used to
capture narratives and views from students. Open ended questions, interview
guide and document analysis were used to collect data. A sample of 31
respondents that were got through purposive sampling method participated.
Collected data was transcribed verbatim and analyzed using NVivo 10 software.
Triangulation was also done to capture all views from all respondents. Findings
revealed that lecturers are transparent in the way they award marks. It was also
found out that lecturers listen to the students. It was also found that the lecturers
follow university rules and regulations, they have self-respect and respect for
students. It was further discovered that lecturers were committed to their duties.
However, another section of lecturers are biased when marking, assessing and
relating with students, others are rude and harsh, soliciting money for awarding
marks among others. Lecturers also miss lessons, use outdated notes and do not
return papers after marking especially tests and course works. It was concluded
that some lecturers are good and their ethical conduct is commendable, however,
others are so unethical and make students hate the teaching profession. Among
the recommendations made are that integrating ethical theories like virtue
theory, consequentialism theory and principles of ethics in education, opening a
window for whistle blowers and effecting the deterring measures like
xii,84p.ill (some col)
Students’ perception., Ethical conduct., learning.
Simpurisio, Christmas (2022) Students’ perception of lecturers’ ethical conduct In higher institutions of learning: a case of Kyambogo University