Optimizing computer supported collaborative learning within higher education: insights from student collaboration on take-home group tasks in Uganda
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Makerere Journal of Higher Education
The growth in computer-supported Collaborative learning (CSCL), especially in higher education,
has attracted many research studies. However, there remains a paucity of empirical studies on
how it can be taken up within higher education in real-world settings. This study, undertaken with
undergraduate students in a Ugandan university, takes up Design Based Research, specifically
using Google docs, to provide an empirical example, illuminating how teachers can optimise
technology as informed by the SAMR model in order to support Collaborative learning towards
the attainment of higher order thinking skills. The study generated some design principles
which can be used to inform CSCL. These principles, undergirded by the imperative for
teachers to support learners in CSCL, include the provision of a feedback loop to enable learner
support; designing in ways that cater for diverse learner styles; tracking and rewarding student
contributions; supporting learners to explore and optimise the affordances of tools to complement
each other as well as using technology in ways that allow for progression in students’ thinking as
well as in their technological skills. The study has implications for teacher training, particularly
the inclusion of technology as a key component in solving educational problems within their
practice. Specifically, teacher education programmes should ground pre-service and in-service
teachers in theoretical frameworks which can support their practice.
Design-Based Research, Computer-supported Collaborative Learning, SAMR model, Educational technology, Uganda;
Namatende-Sakwa, L., Kobusingye, L. K., Ndawula, S., & Isabirye, C. (2023). Optimising Computer Supported Collabourative Learning within Higher Education: Insights from Student Collabouration on Take-home Group Tasks in Uganda. Makerere Journal of Higher Education, 12(1), 82-99.