The social and economic history of Toro kingdom 1830-1962
Tumwine, Jesse
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Kyambogo University (un published work)
This study attempted to investigate the Social and economic history of Toro Kingdom during the period 1830-1962.
Chapter one analyses the background of Toro Kingdom as a region in terms of geographic location and tribal composition. It also includes the statement of the Problem, objectives of the study, literature review, Significance and scope of the Study. The chapter also contains the Research questions, methodology, and equally discusses the challenges encountered during the course of the study.
The second chapter analyses the social organization of Toro Kingdom. It contains the social cultural beliefs and practices of the Batoro during the period 1830-1962 including traditional education, and traditional Religion.
Chapter three analyses the economic organization of Toro Kingdom during the period 1830-1962.The pre-colonial economic activities of Toro such as hunting, subsistence. Farming and pastoralism among others are examined.
The fourth chapter presents the effects of colonial rule on the social and economic life of Toro Kingdom by 1962. On the one hand, the researcher admits the positive effects of colonial rule which led to the introduction of new crops, and infrastructure development, some of the negative effects of colonial rule are also presented.
Chapter five handles conclusions and recommendations.
xi,105 p.: ill (somecol)
Toro kingdom., Social and economic., History.
Tumwine, Jesse (2017) The social and economic history of Toro kingdom 1830-1962