Educational broadcasting and socio- economic development of rural communities in Mbarara District, Uganda
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International Journal of Science and Business
The elimination of poverty, increased productivity and employment is only
possible with improvements in socio-economic development which however,
remains dismal to the rural communities of Mbarara District. The study as its
main purpose examined the influence of educational community radio
broadcasting on socio-economic development among rural communities of
Mbarara district so as to derive a framework for broadcasting to enhance
socio-economic development among listeners. The study as a methodological
stance adopted a cross sectional survey design followed both quantitative
and qualitative research approaches. Questionnaire, open-ended and
interviews and focus group discussion methods were used. The data was
collected using questionnaires from 250 randomly selected, interview guides
and focus group discussion tools were applied. The data was analysed at
descriptive and inferential levels using SPSS Version 20.0. The results
showed that education broadcasting related to government programmes (β
= 0.283, p = 0.03) had a significant positive influence on the socio-economic
development of rural communities in Mbarara district. The study
recommends among others the need for management of community radios
in collaboration with media team to prioritize broadcasts that promote
children immunization in addition to agricultural practices as well as
embracing listenership to radio programs that provide information on
sanitation and hygiene as a health promotion tool.
Community Radios, Rural communities, Socio-Economic development, Broad casting services, Education
Posiano, S. M., Orach-Meza, F. L., & Zombeire, R. (2024). Educational Broadcasting and Socio-Economic Development of Rural Communities in Mbarara District, Uganda. International Journal of Science and Business, 37(1), 133-145.