Learner support systems in enhancing the delivery of distance learning programmes for in-service teacher education in Uganda: the case of Kyambogo University
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Kenyatta University (unpublished work)
The focus of this research study was on learner support systems in enhancing the delivery
of distance learning programmes for in-service teacher education in Uganda: the case of
Kyambogo University. The study recognizes the development of distance learning in
Uganda in general and the use of distance learning in improving the training of teachers in
particular. The study stresses the need for better trained teachers whose roles are
changed from being expositors to that of facilitators of learning activities. Such teachers
must be provided with an educational environment which is conducive to learning, replete
with resources of various kinds, print-based, audio visual, ICT and mechanical devices
where possible to support such learners. This study was carried out in nine Primary
Teachers' Colleges co-coordinating centres. These are: Kibuli, Busuubizi, Nkokonjeru, CTK
Gulu, Lodonga, Kabwangasi, Bukedea, lbanda and Kiyoora. The research design used
was cross-sectional survey. This design helped the researcher to gather information from
different categories of samples at the same time. The primary data was collected by use of
questionnaires, interview and observation tools. The secondary data was obtained from
reference books, magazines, journals, periodicals and internet materials. A total of 420
respondents were used for the study. The data collected were analysed using both
qualitative and quantitative methods in an inter-complementary manner. Qualitative
analysis was used to analyse views of the respondents, while quantitative data were
entered into the computer and analysis was done using computer statistical package for
social sciences (SPSS). The results of the study revealed a number of challenges
associated with learner support system in enhancing the delivery of distance learning
programmes at Kyambogo University. The key challenges the study identified were, lack of
provision of a variety of learner support services, poor facilitation skills by lecturers, lack of
library uses by the distance learners, poor co-ordination of the distance learning activities
between Kyambogo University and the PTC co-coordinating centres, delay in release of
results and lack of Government involvement in supporting distance education programmes
in Uganda. In view of these challenges, key recommendations were made, notable are
that, Kyambogo University should review its learner support services to improve
programme delivery systems, study materials be provided in time for the distance learners
to access, staff training in distance education should be enhanced and effective guidance
and counseling services be provided to improve support services. Prompt release of
results to the distance learners should be done timely to encourage them to work harder in
their studies. Above all, practical work and library facilities should be made available for
the learners and facilitators to access and utilize in order to improve teaching and learning at a distance.
xiv,251 p.: ill
Learner support systems, Enhancing the delivery., Distance learning programmes, Teacher education
Otto, Aron Yona (2011) Learner support systems in enhancing the delivery of distance learning programmes for in service teacher education in Uganda: the case of Kyambogo University