Carcass characteristics and meat quality assessment in different quail lines fed on canola seed supplemented diets
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Indian Journal of Animal Sciences
The effect of dietary supplementation with canola seed on carcass and meat quality characteristics in three quail
lines was studied. Ninety quails aged 4-weeks were selected from three lines (white, black and brown) and randomly
allocated to 3 feeding groups. One group was fed a basal diet as control, while the other two groups were fed on
basal diet with 1 or 3% canola seed supplementation. Quails were slaughtered at 10 weeks of age. At 24 h postmortem,
breast and thigh meat samples were separated; vacuum packaged and stored at –40°C until meat quality analyses.
Results showed that carcass characteristics did not differ (P>0.05) between dietary treatments. However, the inclusion
of canola seed increased (P<0.05) the concentration of total omega-3 fatty acid in meat and decreased widely the
omega-6: omega-3 ratio compared to the control diet. Feeding 3% canola seeds decreased the level of
malondialdehyde (MDA) in the breast and thigh muscles of quails at day 5 of post-mortem. Regardless of dietary
treatments, no carcass and meat quality characteristics except carcass weight differed between 3 quail lines. Brown
quails exhibited significantly higher (P<0.05) carcass weight than white and black ones. These results indicate that
feeding canola seed might modify meat fatty acid profile with better shelf life during postmortem aging. Likewise,
due to high carcass weight, brown quail lines may be preferred for meat production purposes.
Canola seed, Carcass traits, Meat quality, Quail
Behnan Sabow, A., Saber Haddad, H., & Nakyinsige, K. (2020). Carcass characteristics and meat quality assessment in different quail lines fed on canola seed supplemented diets.