Adaptive Leadership in Public Universities in Uganda: A Systematic Literature Review

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This study through a systematic literature review explored adaptive leadership status, the rationale for adaptive leadership, and the challenges facing embracing adaptive leadership in public universities in Uganda. The literature search process consisted of inclusion and exclusion criteria and the development of a search strategy. Fourteen (14) articles were found to have relevant information on adaptive leadership status, the rationale for adaptive leadership, and challenges facing embracing adaptive leadership in higher educational institutions in Uganda. The findings reveal that adaptive leadership in public universities in Uganda is almost non-existent. This is buttressed by the fact that these universities have perpetually failed to solve most of the challenges they face, let alone demonstrating high levels of ineffectiveness in their operations. The study findings also divulge that the rationale for embracing adaptive leadership in public universities in Uganda includes but is not limited to: addressing complexity and uncertainty; enhancing institutional effectiveness; fostering a culture of collaboration and inclusivity; and developing capacity for sustainability and resilience. The study further discloses that some of the notable challenges encumbering embracing of adaptive leadership in public universities in Uganda comprise: limited financial, human and, material resources; excessive bureaucratic structures; and resistance to change by employees. The paper concludes, thus, that the absence of adaptive leadership in public universities in Uganda is worrying, hence, urgent mitigation measures need to be taken owing to the fact that adaptive leadership is critical to help public universities have the ability to cope with change in their operations almost on the daily basis. The study recommends that university leaders and managers make deliberate efforts to familiarise themselves with adaptive leadership principles through relevant professional development programmes. Institutionalise adaptive leadership as well as adopting appropriate administrative structures that ensure: clear lines of authority and decision-making; effective communication and collaboration across units; efficient resource allocation and management; strong governance and accountability; and flexibility to adapt to changing circumstances and priorities.



Adaptive Leadership, Ugandan Public Universities.


Kasule, G. W. (2025). Adaptive Leadership in Public Universities in Uganda: A Systematic Literature Review. East African Journal of Arts and Social Sciences, 8(1), 195-207.
