Safety practices in relation to the prevention and management of sports injuries in Kampala primary Schools
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Kyambogo University (un published work)
This study focused on the safety practices related to prevention and management of sports
injuries in Kampala primary schools in Uganda. The study was guided by the following
objectives; to investigate the safety practices implemented in schools, to determine the factors
that affect the safety practices in schools, and to find out strategies that will ensure safety in
sports in primary schools. The study used 278 teachers from 126 public and private primary
schools from the five divisions of Kampala district. The study employed descriptive cross
sectional survey design. A single questionnaire set, observation and interview were used to
collect data. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics using frequencies and percentages at a
0.05 level of significance. The study findings confirmed that school sports safety polices and
guidelines were existing, however, teachers were not adequately implementing the safety
practices. The study further revealed limited funding compromised schools' capacity to
adequate ly finance activities like employing qualified teachers, adequate safe and standard
equipment and facilities. maintenance of facilities. large class sizes, inadequate knowledge about
safety and poor injury management hindered adequate implementation of safety practices. From
the study, it was found that there were strategies used to ensure the safety of learners during
sports. In conclusion, the study was conducted because there was limited information relating to
the practices put in place to ensure safety during sports in Kampala primary schools. Finally,
from the findings, enforcement of safety polices and guidelines is recommended, having a safety
management system, retraining and education for all sports teachers in sports safety and injury
XI,77 p.: ill
Safety practices., Prevention and management., Sports injuries., Kampala primary Schools.
Lukanga, Julius Ceasar (2019) Safety practices in relation to the prevention and management of sports injuries in Kampala primary Schools