School accessibility and students' attendance in secondary Schools in Kasese district, Uganda
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Kyambogo university (unpublished work)
The study was about School Accessibility and Students' attendance in Secondary Schools in
Kasese district. This study was prompted by the fact that whereas the introduction of Universal
Secondary Education (USE) programme in Uganda had increased access to secondary education,
students' absenteeism and late arrival was still apparent and it was indeed a serious problem
resulting into poor students' attendance in secondary schools. The study was therefore to find out
whether there was a significant relationship between school accessibility and students'
attendance in secondary schools in Kasese district. It specifically examined the state of
secondary school accessibility, the reasons for students' absenteeism and late arrival the
relationship between school accessibility and students' attendance. the measures put in place by
school administrators to control students' absenteeism and late arrival in secondary schools and
to recommend strategies that could be adopted to overcome the problem of students' absenteeism
and late arrival in secondary schools. To achieve the objectives of the study, the researcher
employed a cross-sectional survey design of quantitative and qualitative methods to collect data
from 19 secondary schools where semi-structured questionnaires were administered to a sample
of 403 respondents comprised of 328 students, 59 teachers and 16 headteachers both male and
The study established that students had difficulties in accessing secondary schools they traveled
long distances to reach schools. The majority of them used poor means of transpo11 particularly
footing. These factors resulted into students' absenteeism and late arrival at school hence poor
attendance. The study further found out that was a negative correlation between the distances
traveled by students from their homes to school and the total number of students that attended
xiii. 78 p. ;
Accessibility, Students' attendance, Schools, Kasese district, Uganda
Thembo, Kalhungulha Nathan (2011) School accessibility and students' attendance in secondary Schools in Kasese district, Uganda