Articulating the unpalatable truth playfully : didacticism of governance elements in uganda popular music of Mathias Walukagga and Ronald Mayinja
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Kyambogo University [ Unpublished work]
This study aimed to establish the role of popular music in political education by using a case
study of Ugandan popular music by Mathias Walukagga and Ronald Mayinja. It was
conducted under three specific objectives namely; (i) to examine the theme of accountability
in Uganda’s governance in the songs of Mathias Walukaga and Ronald Mayinja. (ii) to
examine the theme of transparency in Uganda’s governance in the songs of Mathias
Walukaga and Ronald Mayinja and (iii) to examine the theme of citizen participation in
Uganda’s governance in the songs of Mathias Walukaga and Ronald Mayinja. The study
employed a sociological literary theory that relates a piece of writing to the society of its
author. The study findings indicated that indeed popular music shares information about
governance elements; accountability, transparency and citizen participation playfully. The
study also examined the figurative language such as metaphors, similes, allusions, irony, and
other poetic properties using dramatization, costumes and histrionics. Hence popular music
is the best way of educating the masses about political realities in their country. Based on the
findings, the researcher recommended in the absence of the platform for civic education,
popular music should be be given maximum support by the government of Uganda to reach
every citizen just like universal education.
Unpalatable truth playfully., Didacticism., Governance., Music., Literature and Music.
Bodio, Shakira ( 2021). Articulating the unpalatable truth playfully : didacticism of governance elements in uganda popular music of Mathias Walukagga and Ronald Mayinja