Professionalized instructional supervision on teachers' professional development: a case of selected private secondary schools in ssisa sub county, wakiso district.

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Kyambogo University [unpublished work]


The core of this study was to examine professional instructional supervision on teachers' professional development in Ssisa Sub-county in Wakiso District. Many studies have urged for the integration of supervision work frame in teacher development practices as a means for effective task exaction in order to capture comprehensive study results, a descriptive survey design diagnostic in nature was adopted. Both qualitative and quantitative approaches were used to gather data from a sample size of 102 respondents. A self administered questionnaire was designed to gather primary data from informants and interview guide was used to obtain qualitative information. In the analysis of data collected, SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science), a computer package was used and the results were presented in tables and figures. The study identified poor professionalized instructional supervision as a serious challenge that directly affects the professional development of teachers which both directly and indirectly affects the efficiency of service delivery in private schools. Basing on the findings, the study recommended that a school - under professional development plan aimed at improving classroom-based instruction by focusing on teaching practices and curricular processes should be developed so that all students achieve at appropriate levels of performance. The study recommended improvement of the supervisory knowledge and skills of managements and their assistance based on cutting-edge technologies in instructional leadership that are intended to improve teaching practices. Incorporating instructional leadership institutions such as action research, meaningful walkthroughs, which deepen the schools' commitment to a culture of instructional excellence, was another recommendation. Still advocating for a district level supervisory team that complies of the school management of private schools to see to it that there are well designed programs initiated in schools to enable teacher professional development.


xvi, 153 p. ;


Professionalized instructional supervision, Teachers, Development, Wakiso district, Private secondary school.


Nansubuga, B. (2013), Professionalized instructional supervision on teachers' professional development: a case of selected private secondary schools in ssisa sub county, wakiso district.