An evaluation of the influence of remuneration, job security and employee involvement on employee turnover in parastatal organisations in uganda: a case of civil aviation authority

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Kyambogo University [unpublished work]


This study evaluated the influence of Remuneration, Job security and Employee involvement on Employee Turnover in Parastatal organizations in Uganda: a Case of Civil Aviation Authority Uganda. Specifically the study objectives were to: investigate the contribution of remuneration given to staff by Civil Aviation Authority on employee turnover, examine the effect of job security on employee turnover and assess the influence of employee involvement on employee turnover in Civil Aviation Authority. The findings revealed that remuneration, job security and employee involvement were insufficient in Civil Aviation Authority while employee turnover was high. It was revealed that an increase in remuneration, job security and employee involvement would significantly reduce employee turnover. On the basis of the findings the researcher recommends that Civil Aviation Authority improves remuneration such as salaries and fringe benefits. It was also recommended that employees' jobs should be guaranteed so as to attract them to stay stable in service. Lastly it is recommended that Civil Aviation Authority management uses a participatory management approach because employee involvement in decision making particularly on issues affecting their jobs boosts their morale and thus commitment to their duties.


xi, 70 p. ;


Evaluation, Remuneration, Job security, Employee involvement, Employee turnover, Parastatal organisations, Uganda, Civil aviation authority


Kayondo, W. (2013). An evaluation of the influence of remuneration, job security and employee involvement on employee turnover in parastatal organisations in uganada: a case of civil aviation authority.