Supervisor-employee relationship and staff performance at kcc: a case of revenue directorate
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Kyambogo university [unpublished work]
This study investigated the relationship of Supervisor- Employee Relationship and Staff
Performance at KCC\ Revenue Directorate. The study specifically sought to establish the
relationship between internal communication and staff performance. explore the relationship
between Career nurturing and staff performance. relationship between regular performance
assessment and staff performance and to find our the relationship between teamwork and staff
performance at KCC/ revenue directorate. A descriptive cross sectional survey research
design was used which included both qualitative and quantitative approach employed in data
collection process. analysis. presentation and discussion of findings.
Data was collected from KCC\ Revenue directorate using Semi structured questionnaires.
interviews and documentary review" guide. A sample size of I 08 which included Directors.
managers. supervisors and revenue officers.
The study found out that there was inadequate internal communication. which resulted into less
provision/ of in format ion on different tasks. the issue of staff nurturing was provided but with
less emphasis. there was a policy on regular staff assessment but was irregularly conducted
which afflicted the staff performance and last!) the staff tried to work in teams which positive!)
influenced productivity but a large extent. Team work was less effectively and efficiently
conducted at the directorate
The study concluded that there was less provision of in formation on different tasks which
affected internal communication and staff performance, there was inadequate provision of
career nurturing programs to enhance staff performance, the directorate developed a policy on
regular staff assessment which '"as irregularly implemented and that there \\ere low levels of
teamwork amongst staff which affected their performance
for objective one. the researcher recommends the directorate to increase on the budget
allocated for internal communication. or objective two, the directorate should provide
appropriate career development opportunities in form of adequate seminars. workshops and
trainings for objective three, the directorate should ensure that there i increased performance
evaluation which arc effective!) and efficiently conducted and For objective four the
researcher recommends for con ·tam arrangement of training and development programs for
xii,103 p.
Supervisor-employee., Relationship and staff performance., Revenue directorate.
Kibikyo, Yoweri Kidaaga(2018) Supervisor-employee relationship and staff performance at kcc: a case of revenue directorate