Research capacity strengthening in Africa: Perspectives from the social sciences, humanities, and arts
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Global and human development and freedoms increasingly thrive on robust and policyorientated research and related activities. Yet, the African research landscape faces a myriad of challenges which have resulted in a very unequal continent in terms of research
and research capacity. The prevailing research inequities and challenges in Africa are even
more pronounced in the social sciences, humanities, arts, and related fields (SSHA). Here,
the strengths and impact of scholarship in SSHA fields are often overshadowed by deficits
and apparent preferential investment in research in science, technology, engineering, and
mathematics-related fields. In response, the African Academy of Sciences commissioned a
study in 2020 to generate evidence on the SSHA research support landscape in Africa. This
paper summarizes findings from literature review, key informant interviews, a bibliometric analysis, a survey with a sample of 670 respondents from SSHA communities in Africa,
and a series of focus group discussions. We highlight key messages and make recommendations focussing on lessons learnt, opportunities, needs, and priorities for intervention to
enhance significant SSHA research leadership capacity strengthening and, ultimately, minimize research inequalities in Africa.
Early-career research, Institutional capacity strengthening, Research, Funding, Research capacity strengthening, SSHA
Ogega, O. M., Majani, M., Hendricks, C., Adegun, O., Mbatudde, M., Muyanja, C., ... & Gyasi, R. M. (2023). Research capacity strengthening in Africa: perspectives from the Social Sciences, Humanities, and Arts. Scientific African, 20, e01708.