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dc.contributor.authorWettaka, Justin
dc.identifier.citationWettaka, Justin(2020) Improving hands-on training for skill acquisition of engineering Students at the department of mechanical and production engineering, Kyambogo universityen_US
dc.description.abstractThe main purpose of the research study was to improve on hands- on training for skills acquisition of engineering students, the study was conducted from the Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering at Kyambogo University, the study was guided by the research objectives which included, identifying gaps in hands- on training , proposing solutions to gaps identified, implementing solutions and evaluating the solutions in relation to improving hands- on training for skills acquisitions of engineering students. The stakeholders of Mechanical Department proposed interventions of improving hands-on training among them were; staffs brings private work in workshops of mechanical department, using the private workshops of mechanical staff and finally using Video clips during training sessions. The research study was guided by experiential learning theory by Kolb, internet journals and text books which have attempted to explain the concept of hands- on training and skills acquisitions. The other literature was acquired from the program book of diploma at Mechanical Department. The study employed a combination of research design which included participatory action research, qualitative and quantitative design, the research method used was participatory action research approach where stakeholder participated in focused group discussions/meetings at all levels of research. The study engaged students and staff from Mechanical department and research data was collected through interviewing. Observing, focused group meetings and some few from questionnaire. The study implemented the proposed interventions which constituted the positive change in students skills, learners were able to trouble shoot defects in motor vehicle, general servicing of a motor vehicle among others, during evaluation the intervention of mechanical staff bring private projects in mechanical workshops on which students can learn on emerged the best afteren_US
dc.publisherKyambogo University (un published work)en_US
dc.subjectImproving hands-on training.en_US
dc.subjectSkill acquisition.en_US
dc.subjectEngineering Students.en_US
dc.titleImproving hands-on training for skill acquisition of engineering Students at the department of mechanical and production engineering, Kyambogo universityen_US

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