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dc.contributor.authorKyambogo University
dc.description.abstractManagement of finances and other resources is fundamental to the success of teaching and research programs in Kyambogo University. The approval of this Policy Manual by the University Council is, therefore, a central step towards good financial management and the achievement of the above core programs. Kyambogo University will continue to make use of the available financial and other resources, to take lead into innovative teaching and research that has historically enabled our graduates excel at employers' premises.This financial management manual will, therefore, be instrumental in guiding the University Council, Management, staff and the Guild to manage programs and projects aimed at developing Kyambogo University. It provides for the roles, mandate and responsibilities of the various University organs and stakeholders in the various financial management functions. Efficient management of those functions will be a key input into the modeling of the kind of graduate desired by the labor, production and entrepreneurship world. I wish to congratulate the University Council, Management, Staff and Students for the effort in the production of this very important policy. I wish to encourage all the University stakeholders to read, uphold, protect, implement and comply with this Policy Manual in order to strengthen financial management system in the University.en_US
dc.publisherKyambogo University [unpublished work]en_US
dc.subjectFinancial managementen_US
dc.subjectKyambogo Universityen_US
dc.titleKyambogo University Financial Management Manual 2014 as Amended 2021en_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US

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