Cosmas, wacalSimon, Peter MusinguziEmmanuel, EwajuChristopher, AtiboDocus, AlowoJorem, AlipaDaniel, Basalirwa2024-06-172024-06-172024-06-11Wacal, C., Musinguzi, S. P., Ewaju, E., Atibo, C., Alowo, D., Alipa, J., & Basalirwa, D. (2024). Unravelling the potential benefits of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) in cropping systems, nutritional, health, and industrial uses of its seeds–a review. Cogent Food & Agriculture, 10(1), 2360766. (Sesamum indicum l.) is considered as one of the important oilseed crops produced throughout the world especially in the tropical and sub-tropical regions. Sesame crop is grown mainly for its highly nutritious seeds that also offer medicinal value. Sesame seed is rich in edible oil, fatty acids mainly linoleic acid and oleic acid, lignans, tocopherols, phytosterols, phenolic acids, and minerals. Due to these essential contents, the consumption of sesame seeds promotes good health not only in humans but also in livestock. Hence, sesame crop has gained significant attention throughout the world due to its several benefits. Although the global production of sesame is increasing, there is need to understand its various uses right from benefits in cropping systems to nutritional, health and industrial level. Several reviews have been conducted with the central focus on sesame nutritional and health promoting benefits but none has provided a holistic review of its benefits in cropping systems such as intercropping sesame with other crops, inclusion in crop rotation, utilization of its crop residues as nutrient recycling, and nutritional, health and industrial uses of sesame seeds, which this study sought to address.enSesame oilCropping system benefitsNutritionLignansHealth benefitsLivestock feedsBiodieselUnravelling the potential benefits of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) in cropping systems, nutritional, health, and industrial uses of its seeds – a reviewArticle