Wofuma, GordenNamono, RehemaMunobe, WilliamsIsiagi, Emmanuel2024-06-122024-06-122024-06-11Wofuma, G., Namono, R., Munobe, W., & Isiagi, E. (2024). Determinants for the uptake of takaful insurance in Uganda: an exploratory mixed approach. Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research, (ahead-of-print).https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12504/1819 https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/JIABR-07-2023-0222/full/htmlTakaful insurance is gaining increasing popularity worldwide. However, the takaful industry is relatively new in Uganda and its research is still in embryonic stages. This study aimed at exploring the contextual determinants for the uptake of takaful insurance in Uganda, a minority Muslim country.enTakaful insuranceIslamic InsuranceUptakeDeterminantsDeterminants for the uptake of takaful insurance in Uganda: an exploratory mixed approachArticle