Kyambogo University2022-02-152022-02-152021-02Kyambogo University (2021) Kyambogo University January/February 2021 Newsletter. Kyambogo University. p. : ill. (col.) ;The current academic establishment is comprised of 6 Faculties and 2 Schools headed by Deans, with a total of 38 departments headed by Heads of Departments. These Faculties and Schools include: Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences (09 Departments), Faculty of Engineering (04 Departments), Faculty of Special Needs & Rehabilitation (03 Departments), Faculty of Education (08 Departments), Faculty of Science (07 Departments), Faculty of Vocational Studies (03 Departments), School of Management & Entrepreneurship (04 Departments) and Graduate School, which plays a coordinating role.enKyambogo UniversitNewsletter2021Current statusNew ProgrammesApprovedAcademic establishmentKyambogo University January/ February 2021 NewsletterNewsletter