Nankanja, Juliet2024-10-212024-10-212023-06Nankanja, J. (2023). Analysing technical equipment use in the automotive mechanics department at Bbira Vocational Training Institute., 85 p. : ill. (col.) ;This study analyzed technical equipment and tools used in training automotive mechanics at the Automotive Department at Bbira Vocational Training Institute (BVTI), to the expectations of the world of work. The research was guided by three objectives that aimed at; identifying the tools and equipment in the Automotive Mechanics Department in Bbira Vocational Training Institute; determining the relevance of the tools and equipment; implementing the effective use of the available equipment for effective skills training in the automotive mechanics department. The research was conducted at the Institute and a participatory action research (PAR) design was employed. Methods employed for data collection included: focus group discussions, interviews, observation of processes of operation and procedures followed in the training; and tools like interview guides, questionnaires, camera for evidence collection and a note book were used to record data. Data collected were presented and analyzed according to the objectives of the study to understand the use of technical tools and equipment in vocational training for the world of work. The training approach observed in the automotive department showed that instructors based more on introducing trainees to actual problem solving techniques using the available tools and equipment so that they acquire the necessary competences while ensuring that the syllabus is covered with relevant real life projects that transform the community. The study thus concluded and recommended that further refresher training for instructors and graduates be done to include modem tools and equipment used in the world of work, with the aim of improving the quality of training at the institute.enTechnical equipmentAutomotiveMechanics departmentBbira Vocational Training InstituteAnalysing technical equipment use in the automotive mechanics department at Bbira Vocational Training InstituteThesis