Jolocam, MbabaziH., TwinomuhweziJ., WasswaM., NtaleG., MulongoJ., KwetegyekaK.H., SchrǾder2023-04-252023-04-252010-02Mbabazi, J., Twinomuhwezi, H., Wasswa, J., Ntale, M., Mulongo, G., Kwetegyeka, J., & Schrǿder, K. ́. H. (2010). Speciation of heavy metals in water from the Uganda side of Lake Victoria. International journal of environmental studies, 67(1), 9-15.DOI: 10.1080/00207230903371783 forms of copper Cu, zinc Zn, lead Pb and cadmium Cd in water from the Uganda side ofLake Victoria (25°C, pH 6.75–7.18), the second largest inland freshwater lake in the world, havebeen studied using ion-exchange, dialysis and atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The resultsindicate that heavy metals Cu, Zn, Pb and Cd are present mainly in the cationic form (80–83%).Small quantities of anionic (13–22%), non-ionic, dialyzable (4–8%), and non-ionic, non-dialyzable(< 1.3–4.4%) forms were also detected for all metals except Cd. The corresponding concentrationslay in the ranges: cationic, 0.06–0.99; anionic, < 0.001–0.25; non-ionic, dialyzable, < 0.001–0.08;non-ionic, non-dialyzable, < 0.001–0.06 μg ml−1. The existence of the metals in non-ionic and non-dialyzable forms is attributable to metal associations with high relative molecular mass (RMM)organic matters.enHeavy metals;Speciation;Dialysis;Ion-exchange;Lake Victoria;Atomic absorption spectrophotometrySpeciation of heavy metals in water from the Uganda side of Lake VictoriaArticle