Nerima, Rose Mary2022-07-082022-07-082005-10Nerima, Rose Mary (2005) The impact of institutional culture on the management of student affairs in Kyambogo University (former ITEK), 85 p. : ill. ;This study about the impact of institutional culture on the management of student affairs was carried out at Kyambogo University (former ITEK). it concentrated on the level of awareness of rules and regulations, their (rules and regulations') impact exerted on the students' collaboration (participation) and communication in management of student affairs. From a target population of 220 respondents, 193 questionnaires were received and for purposes of a correlational study a similar population of 62 respondents for each group was chosen. It was conducted as a descriptive case study based on both qualitative and quantitative methods of data analysis. By means of three research questions and through the use of four major research instruments, namely: questionnaires, interviews, documentary record and observation, data was collected, compiled and processed. The findings of the study included: + The perceptions of students on the level of awareness of rules and regulations and collaboration in management of student affairs were high as compared to those of leaders. + There was no relationship between students' awareness of rules and regulations and collaboration in management of student affairs in Kyambogo University. - The students' low communication to management was contrary to the established institutional culture and therefore has an influence on the management of student affairs. The conclusions made from these findings were: - There was a positive big difference between the perceptions of students and leaders on the level of rules and regulations and collaboration in management of student affairs in Kyambogo University. - The students' awareness of rules and regulations per se has no major impact on the level of collaboration in management of student affairs in Kyambogo University. • The students' low communication to management has an impact on the collaboration in the management of student affairs in Kyambogo University. Thus, the correlational results ofenThe impactInstitutional cultureManagementStudent affairsThe impact of institutional culture on the management of student affairs in Kyambogo University (former ITEK)Thesis